Entity Framework Migrations Explained
The week, James is joined by Brice Lambson, Senior Software Engineer on the Entity Framework team to talk in depth about ...
Create an EF Core Model from Database First (Scaffold DB Context)
How do you create an Entity Framework model from an existing SQL database (database first?) In this video I'll show you how to ...
Understanding When to Snapshot [.NET C#]
When to snapshot in event sourced systems? Patreon https://www.patreon.com/raw_coding Courses ...
Getting Started with Entity Framework Core in .NET
I'm Nick, and in this video, I will show you how you can get started with Entity Framework Core in 2025. EF Core is one of the most ...
EF Core Migrations Deep Dive, Applying Migration, SQL Scripts
Managing database schemas as your applications grow can quickly become a headache. Manual changes are error-prone and ...
Domain-Driven Design Without An ORM Using The Snapshot Pattern
Domain-Driven Design is a powerful approach to designing software. However, it isn't so easy to create rich domain models if you ...
Part-8: Migrations in entity framework core | Entity framework core 7.0 tutorial | efcore | ef core
This video will help you understand an important concept that is Migrations in entity framework core: - What is Migration? - Why do ...
How to Implement Code-First Migrations with Entity Framework Core
How to Use Entity Framework Core Code First Migrations In this video, I will show you how to use Entity Framework Core Code ...
Entity framework Core Migration | Asp.net core MVC 6.0 tutorial for beginners
Use of model snapshot file in Entity framework core You can download the latest code from below git repository: ...
Entity Framework Core : Code First | Migrations - EP02
CuriousDrive: Solve Coding Problems & Win Prizes!
In this #EntityFramework #CodeFirst Tutorial, I am going through all the #Migration commands to show their use while building ...
Entity Framework Core in 6 Minutes!!
In this video we go over Entity Framework Core. We go over some of the history & setup for Entity Framework Core 6.0. Please ...
03 Building a data model: Entity Framework Core, SQL Server
We're now building a very simple data model and, using Entity Framework Core, add persistence in SQL Server. Source code: ...
Entity Framework Core Tutorial - Everything You Need to Know to Get Started
EntityFrameworkCore Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Design Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Sqlite As well as the dotnet-ef ...
Entity Framework Best Practices - Should EFCore Be Your Data Access of Choice?
Entity Framework is an amazing set of tooling around data access. With EFCore, that tooling becomes even more powerful.
Entity Framework Core In-Depth Part 4
In this episode, Robert is joined by Phil Japikse for part 4 of a 10 part series on Entity Framework Core. This series is a follow-up ...
Event Sourcing: Rehydrating Aggregates with Snapshots
Once you understand how Event Sourcing works, the most common thought is: "What happens when you have a lot of Events?
Part 5 How to handle model changes in entity framework
In this video we will discuss, how to handle model changes after the database is already created. This is continuation to Part 4.
Migrations and Seed Data in EF Core (New Updated Video in the Description)
Migration is a way to keep the database schema in sync with the Entity Framework Core model by preserving data. The migration ...
.NET Core 7 Entity Framework Project: Migration and SQL Database Creation
Learn NET Core 7 : Entity Framework Project. In this lesson, Entity Framework Migration and SQL Database Creation in .NET.
Keeping domain models and database schema in sync in asp net core
In this video we will discuss 1. How to keep domain models and database schema in sync using migrations in asp.net core 2.