4 тысяч подписчиков
533 видео
60: argmin | TensorFlow | Tutorial
#89 Pandas (Part 66): Time: Period, PeriodIndex, Period Range in Python | Tutorial
Finally | Python Tutorial
#73: Pandas (Part 50): Timestamp in Python with pd.Timestamp() | Tutorial
19: Modules, layers and models - 3 | TensorFlow | Tutorial
74: erfc | erfcinv | TensorFlow | Tutorial
3: Addition | Algebra | Basic Mathematics | Tutorial
Linear Regression: Implementations in Python, TensorFlow, Kotlin, Keras and scikit-learn
65: count non zero| TensorFlow | Tutorial
59: argmax | TensorFlow | Tutorial
#29 Pandas: Missing values - 2 - 15 | Tutorial
#40 Pandas: Visualization - 2 in Python - 26 | Tutorial
#7. Tuple in Python | Tutorial
For Intermediate 88: Scikit-learn 85:Supervised Learning 63: Intuition for Feature Selection
#5. Arrays in Python - 1 | Tutorial
#78 Pandas (Part 55): Time: Create datetime, date range, localized and grouby time | Tutorial
47: New York Subway | Project | SQL Tutorial
Syntax error and Exception | Python Tutorial
46: Softplus Activation | TensorFlow | Tutorial
24: Penguin classifier | TensorFlow | Tutorial
#58 Pandas (Part 35): Custom rolling windows in Python: BaseIndexer, get_window_bounds | Tutorial
#11. Plots in Python using Matplotlib | Tutorial
#74: Pandas (Part 51): Timestamp in Python with pd.to_datetime() | Tutorial
28: Data Augmentation | TensorFlow | Tutorial
ConnectionTimeoutError | Python | Tutorial
#39 Pandas: Visualizations - 1 in Python - 25 | Tutorial
#7: Broadcasting, ragged tensor, sparse and dense tensor | TensorFlow | Tutorial
118: gelu | TensorFlow | Tutorial
#16. Pandas: isin(), where(), and mask() in Python - 5 | Tutorial
#17. Pandas: How to handle duplicate records in Python? - 6 | Tutorial
OSError | Python | Tutorial
39: SELU Activation | TensorFlow | Tutorial
95: conv3d transpose | TensorFlow | Tutorial
123: ctc loss | TensorFlow | Tutorial
121: ctc beam search decoder | TensorFlow | Tutorial
96: conv transpose | TensorFlow | Tutorial
98: depthwise conv2d backprop | input | filter | TensorFlow | Tutorial
114: relu6 | TensorFlow | Tutorial
128: sampled softmax loss | TensorFlow | Tutorial
103: average pool 2d | TensorFlow | Tutorial
106: max pool | TensorFlow | Tutorial
117: selu | TensorFlow | Tutorial
124: ctc unique labels | TensorFlow | Tutorial
119: silu | TensorFlow | Tutorial
#24. Pandas: Strings - case, strip, concat in Python - 12 | Tutorial
#33 Pandas: Categorical data - 1 in Python.- 19 | Tutorial
50: Hard Sigmoid Activation | TensorFlow | Tutorial
TensorFlow Lite Demo apps - 9: Image segmentation
SystemError | Python | Tutorial
TimeoutError | Python | Tutorial