2 тысяч подписчиков
144 видео
10.13) Normalized and Unit Vector in Python
6.6) Python: *args vs **kwargs
A6) Tree Diagram: Marginal, Conditional, and Joint Probabilities
10.15) Correlation as the Cosine of the Angle between Two Vectors
5.3) Plotly: Bar Chart
1.7) Upload Data in Github to Open in Google Colab
4.3) Matplotlib: Scatterplot
6.7) What the Arrow Means in Python Function Definition?
3.8) Pandas: Mean of a Variable with Conditions
J3) Confirmation Bias Test
K4) Introductory Probability Book used in Harvard
9.20) Plotly: Contour Plot or Level Curves
8.1) DataCamp Signal Assessment: Python Programming
9.13) Calculate Partial Derivatives in Python
J6) Categorical vs Numerical Variable
10.18) Eigenvalue, Trace, and Determinant
1.6) Learn Latex in Google Colab
1.10) How DataCamp works?
D5) Random Variables: Independent and Identically Distributed (i.i.d.)
1.5) Introduction to Markdown in Google Colab
G5) Python: Binomial Test
K1) Book Review: Introductory Statistics with Randomization and Simulation
9.7) Implicit Differentiation in Python
D7) Python: Interval for Normal Distribution
D8) Probability of Normal Distribution with Sample Size
J2) S&P 500: Average Return vs Standard Deviation
L2) How reliable is the BinaxNOW COVID 19 Ag Card test? Sensitivity = 84.6%. Specificity = 98.5%
10.2) Euclidean Norm of an n-vector
K2) Book Review: Computational and Inferential Thinking
A7) Complement Rule for Probability
K3) How to learn Economics and Statistics at the same time?
L1) How to Calculate Chi-Squared and Cramer's V
J7) Does Sample Size Matter? Pre-Post Comparison
1.9) Why learn Python?
C7) Prove that Var(X-Y)=Var(X)+Var(Y)-2Cov(X,Y)
J1) Mean vs Median Net Worth in the US
B8) Fair Game: Both Players Have the Same Expected Value
J5) Simpson’s Paradox
J4) Misleading Charts
D6) How to Calculate the Standard Deviation of a Complicate Random Variable?
9.9) Linearization or Tangent Line Approximation
H3) Two-Sample z-Test in Python
4.2) Matplotlib: Boxplot and Histogram
4.1) Matplotlib: Introduction
5.2) Plotly: Dynamic Histogram with Vertical Line
3.5) Pandas: Merging Dataframes
3.9) Pandas: Recode Categorical Variable
D3) What means independent and identically distributed (iid)?
3.4) Pandas: Reading CSV or Text Files in Google Colab
3.6) Pandas: Concatenate or Append Function