2 тысяч подписчиков
306 видео
Excel remove background image and make it transparent
Word put password to a file
Excel How to use the Excel TRIM funtion
Excel move rows and columns
Excel insert image in cell
AutoCAD Creates a section object that acts as a cutting plane through 3D objects
Excel convert text to proper case
Excel Insert an object into an Excel cell
Excel get the first letters of a text in a cell
AutoCAD Align objects 3D
AutoCAD extend line
Word align objects
Relaxing electronic music to study
Excel insert hyperlink to sheet
AutoCAD rotate an object
Excel fill black cells
Excel 2016 How to lock and unlock specific cells
Word put image as a watermark
Word make lines quickly
Excel extract day of a date
Word center the paragraph with keyboard
Excel link two excel files
Word align paragraph left with keyboard
Excel SUMIFS function
Excel get the last letters of text in a cell
Excel convert text to uppercase
AutoCAD Align objects 2D
AutoCAD Command Shortcuts
Word align paragraph right with the keyboard
AutoCAD insert pdf
Excel extract month from a date
AutoCAD select by color
Word insert a calendar
Word change from uppercase to lowercase and proper case
AutoCAD Rounds the edges of 3d solid objects
Excel macro that inserts data with a button