180 тысяч подписчиков
157 видео
Segment Anything Model (SAM) - Open Sourced!
Live Data Exploration - Atlas of Economic Complexity Dataverse
Synthetic Dataset Creation for Machine Learning - Blender and Python
Jupyter Notebook Complete Beginner Guide - From Jupyter to Jupyterlab, Google Colab and Kaggle!
Polars: The Next Big Python Data Science Library... written in RUST?
Video Data Processing with Python and OpenCV
SQL Databases with Pandas and Python - A Complete Guide
Build Your First Pytorch Model In Minutes! [Tutorial + Code]
Data Wrangling with Python and Pandas LIVE
Object Detection in 10 minutes with YOLOv5 & Python!
Progress Bar in Python with TQDM
A Gentle Introduction to Pandas Data Analysis (on Kaggle)
What is Clustering in ML?
Audio Data Processing in Python
The Trick to Get Unlimited Datasets
7 Python Data Visualization Libraries in 15 minutes
Speed Up Your Pandas Dataframes
Clean MESSY String Data in Pandas
Dont Print.. Use a Logger instead! #python #coding
Exploratory Data Analysis with Pandas Python
Plotting Data in Python using Pandas #datascience #shorts
Kaggle Santa Polytope Permutation Puzzle Live Stream
How to Pytorch - Live Coding Stream
Object Detection in 60 Seconds using Python and YOLOv5 #shorts
Image Processing with OpenCV and Python
Time Series Forecasting with XGBoost - Use python and machine learning to predict energy consumption
This INCREDIBLE trick will speed up your data processes.
Live Coding - Langchain Agents for Pandas
Open Source Face Analysis with Python
Be a Python Pro with Enumerate
When you Over Optimize a Python Function
Live Data Science on Kaggle - IceCube Challenge GraphNet Baseline
Face Swap AI in Python! Live Coding.
Time Series Forecasting with XGBoost
Plotting with Pandas DataFrames
Coding Stream Setup & Data Exploration
DEFCon31 - AI CTF Solution Stream!
Learning Pandas for Data Analysis? Start Here.
Bar Plots - Simple & Effective #datascience #python
How Many Coding Questions Can you Get Right? #python
Detect Text in Images with Python - pytesseract vs. easyocr vs keras_ocr
Merge Pandas Dataframes
Data Wrangling with Pandas Part 2 - The Return of the Wrangle
Economic Data Analysis Project with Python Pandas - Data scraping, cleaning and exploration!
Pandas Style to Color your Data
Will Polars replace Pandas for Data Science?
LIVE CODING: Kaggle Competition First Look - Neutrinos in Deep Ice
Scrape Twitter with 5 Lines of Code
A program that writes itself....
Live Coding my GPU Giveaway
Data Science with Python Live - Dataset Creation