163 тысяч подписчиков
294 видео
A const int is not a constant.
What about Pointer Arithmetic with Void Pointers?
Can I write to NULL (0x0000000000) without seg faulting?
How to use an ADC (embedded example in C)
A Guided Meditation for Programmers
Highlighting a Student Programming Project (Code Review)
How to write your own code libraries in C.
Make existing code run faster, with compiler optimizations.
What the FizzBuzz? (A toy problem worth caring about?)
Your Variables are Not Real.
Understanding and implementing a Linked List in C and Java
Clarifying about literals, macros, and const (still not constant?)
Allocating memory with malloc, calloc, realloc, and free
How to Get Started Learning Embedded Systems
Why Printf is Magically Breaking Your Program.
Keeping strcpy and memcpy straight when copying memory.
How to Read Just One Character from the Terminal (stdin)?
Debugging with Multiple Threads (gdb, pthreads)
Doubly Linked List (in C)
Comments and Commenting in C
How to Indent Code the Right Way
What Actually is Embedded C/C++? Is it different from C/C++?
How to pass arguments to and get results from threads. (pthread_create, pthread_join)
Whats the best programming font? Code font recommendations for 2021.
How to get and unget input from streams in C (getstring, fgetc, ungetc).
Sending and Handling Signals in C (kill, signal, sigaction)
Dealing with Endianness Issues in your Programs
How to Contribute to Open Source Projects on Github (pull requests)
Why do programmers use hexadecimal numbers?
Debugging Embedded Systems With GDB?
Safety and Speed Issues with Threads. (pthreads, mutex, locks)
Do you need a CS degree in 2020?
Understanding the For Loop (examples in C)
What if I try to malloc WAY too much memory?
Getting Command-Line Arguments in C
A common pitfall when using sizeof() with pointers in C.
The Inline Keyword in C.
How do I access a single bit?
Using read write locks (example in C)
Tame binary headaches with a Hex Editor
How one thread listens to many sockets with select in C.
Batteryless computing, conferences, and the Maui fires (with Prof. Josiah Hester)
How to Set up Shared Memory in Your Linux and MacOS Programs. (shmget, shmat, shmdt, shmctl, ftok)
What are Environment Variables, and how do I use them? (get,set)
How to profile your own function calls in C? (instrument your code!)
The two main types of network socket
How does fork work with open files?
Project Setup: Automated Testing with Make (using queue example)
How do I make multiple concurrent progress bars in the terminal? (tutorial in C)
How to sort part of an array in C
How to Check Your Pointers at Runtime