84 тысяч подписчиков
888 видео
Entrepreneurial Skills || | Revision - Important Questions | Class 10 IT-Information Technology
Python Revision Tour MCQs | Chapter 1 Computer Science | Class 12 Computer Science with Python
Operators in Python | Operators Priority | Python Programming (#3)
Python connectivity with Mysql | Class 12 Computer Science with Python | Full Chapter
Shutdown Computer Using Python | Python Programming | Complete Logic
Computer System Overview - Chapter 1 (Revision) | Class 11 Computer Science with Python | One Shot
Computer Networks Chapter 8 (Revision) | Class 12 Computer Science with Python
Digital Documentation Class 9 IT Code 402 | Working with Tables - Practical
Right Angle Number Pattern | Python Programming | Complete Logic
Class 12 Computer Science | SQL - DML Commands Part 3 Revision #5
Introduction to Loops | do-while loop | Entry and Exit Control Loops | C Programming Language #11
Conditional and Iterative Statements | Class 11 Computer Science with Python (Video 1)
Using Python Libraries | Class 12 Computer Science with Python (Video 21)
Download and Install MySql on windows | Download and Install SQL Command line Client
Python Fundamentals | Class 11 Computer Science with Python (Video 6)
Data Types in Python | Mutable and Immutable Data Types | Python Programming (#2)
Function Overloading in C++ | C++ Programming in Hindi
String Manipulation | Class 11 Computer Science with Python (Video 1)
Number System - Chapter 3 (Revision) | Class 11 Computer Science with Python | One Shot | Full Notes
Data Structure - Stack data structure | Class 12 Computer Science with Python | Session-2024-25
How to Install Python | Install Python on Window 7(32 bit/64bit)
Python Revision Tour | Flow of Control | Class 12 Computer Science with Python |Session- 2024-25
User defined Header File in C | Preprocessor Directives | C Language Programming #79
File Handling | Binary file - load() dump() | Class 12 Computer Science with Python| Session-2024-25
Class 12 Computer Science chapter 1 C++ Revision Tour (video 8)
Class 12 Computer Science Chapter 4 Class and Object (Video 2)
Inserting element at Specific Position in Array | C++ Programming
Flow of Control | If else statements | Loops in C++ | Iteration Statements | Selection Statements
File Handling | Binary file - Copy Data | Class 12 Computer Science with Python |Session-2024-25
File Handling | CSV file -complete Program | Class 12 Computer Science with Python | Session-2024-25
Errors in C++ | Syntax Error | Logical Error
Database Concepts - Relational Database | Class 12 Computer Science with Python | Session-2024-25
String Manipulation | Class 11 Computer Science with Python (Video 3)
SQL-Update and delete command | Class 12 Computer Science with Python| Session-2024-25
File Handling - CSV File (Revision) | Chapter 3| Class 12 Computer Science with Python | One Shot
Factorial using Recursion | Python Programming | Complete Logic
Convert Number to Binary Octal and Hexadecimal | Python Programming | Complete Logic
SQL-Distinct, in, between, null, order by | Class 12 Computer Science with Python| Session-2024-25
Structured Query Language (SQL)- DDL | Class 12 Computer Science with Python | Session-2024-25
Day 2 of learning excel | Excel Window | Rows and Columns | Workbook | Sheets | Ribbon | Groups
Generate random numbers in Excel | randbetween()
Structured Query Language (SQL)-DDL (alter)| Class 12 Computer Science with Python| Session-2024-25
Short cut for calculating sum in excel
Chapter 1 - Methods of Communication | Class 10 Information Technology | Session- 2024-25 |One Shot
Advanced Conditional formatting in Excel | Day 9 of learning Excel | Create drop down list in excel
Rank function in Excel
Nesting of Structure in C | struct keyword in C | C Language Programming #84
Program to calculate sum of rows and columns of a matrix | 2d array in C | C Language #48
Python Revision Tour | Data Types - Mutable| Class 12 Computer Science with Python |Session- 2024-25
Text File in Python
Program to Check Prime | Program to print Prime Number till nth number | C Programming Language #17