514 тысяч подписчиков
4.6 тысяч видео
What's the most damaged franchise?
Magneto better as a hero or villain?
PSAs, bad comics then and bad comics now
Defying expectations, Agatha winds up good
Marvel's lack of momentum
Conflicting comic book views
The Moon is Following Us review... aka Perch sells you on Riley Rossmo
Explaining why you're dropping a comic
Talking with James Silvani and Pirates: A Graphic History
West Coast Avengers Annual #1: Betrayal! (Part two)
Avengers Annual #15: Betrayal! (Part one)
Creator Shade: Greg Capullo calls out his colorist
When the writing all sounds the same
Attacking your own reseller
Start making webcomics work
So where does the Krakoa era stand now?
A look ahead to DC's 5G Initiative: what does it all mean?
Do US creators hate manga?
Comic reviews
Must have comic reading
Will manga readers become US comic readers?
What now for the future of comics?
Comics for girls and Shoujo Manga
Dan DiDio: interview retrospective
Hopefully Helpful Advice for Indie Comic Creators
Captain Marvel: A sales analysis of 14 years and 8 comic book relaunches
Constructing deconstruction in comics
Gunslinger Spawn delayed... thanks to variants.
Does the industry have the willpower to solve their problems?
Why did comics go all in on the direct market?
The trap of the Direct Market
Why isn't there much comic news?
Comic News: Just the facts, ma'am
Competitive Advantages: Manga vs Western Comics
DC Comics coming in December 2024
I used to hate splash pages
Finally figured it out... after five years
Did Dan DiDio get a raw deal?
The impact of variant covers and what it means to be unhealthy
The big flaw in digital comics
Red Band Gimmicks and it's going to go bad
Why did comic publishers kill off the newsstand?
Eternals announces 37 (!) and counting variant comic covers
Legend Kazuo Umezu returns to horror comics after 26 years
When seriousness kills fun in comics
End of the run: so long to Spider-Man
Is a huge negative shift in comic artist revenue coming?
Tim Sale made forever memories
An Interview with comic creator Paul Kupperberg
A slight comic truth bomb
Tynion on Batman in 2021 and other news from DC
Underground and the subculture of comics