32 тысяч подписчиков
338 видео
Build Clothing Image Prediction CNN Web App | Flask App.py - Part 2
Python Pandas Tutorial - Adding & Dropping columns (Machine Learning)
Enable Auto-completion Table of Contents & Shortcuts in Jupyter Notebook |Jupyter Notebook Shortcuts
29.Deploy ML on Cloud - Push Image to Docker Hub | Deploy ML Model Flask Docker Azure Cloud
Python Pandas Tutorial - Merge Dataframes (Machine Learning)
Deploy Spark Cluster and enable Jupyter Notebook on Azure
Why Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU) is required in CNN? | ReLU Layer in CNN
One trick to find almost any dataset for Data Science project -Free Datasets | Search FREE Datasets
How to Delete Resources on Microsoft Azure? | Save Resource Cost
Python Pandas Tutorial Series: Using Map, Apply and Applymap
30.Deploy Flask App on Azure Explained | Deploy Machine Learning Model Flask Docker Microsoft Azure
26.Deploy ML on Cloud - Docker file for Flask app | Port Correction | Deploy ML Model Flask Docker
Crop or Cut Desired section of Image using OpenCV | Cut Foreground Image OpenCV
Read Display and Save Image files using Python OpenCV | Convert Color Image to Grayscale OpenCV
Add Color & Image Pattern to 3D Gameobjects | Add Image Pattern to 3D Gameobjects in Unity
Create Configuration file in YOLO Object Detection | YOLOv4.cfg file Download
Hands-on with Web Scraping using Python and Beautifulsoup | Data Extraction for Machine Learning
Object Detection for Self Driving Cars | Image Annotation using V7 Labs Platform | Part 2
Convert SQL Queries into Python Pandas | Part-1 | SQL to Python Conversion
Create Pivot table using pandas DataFrame (Python)
Azure Virtual Machine Scale Set Primer
Use Regular Expression to split string into Dataframe columns (Pandas)
What is Blob & how to detect the Blobs using Python OpenCV ?
Multiple Linear Regression using Spark(PySpark) MLLib | Coding Part - 3
Add various Shapes to an Image using Python OpenCV | Add TEXT to an Image using Python OpenCV
How Self Driving Cars MATCH CONTOURS to identify Traffic Signs | Match Contours Python OpenCV
Train CUSTOM Object Detection Model using YOLOv4 | CUSTOM Object Detection on YOLOv4 Darknet
BINNING | Convert Numerical variable to Categorical using Python
Build Language Translator using Python and Google API | Language Translation Model
How to Sharpen Image using Python OpenCV ?
Create Training and Test files for YOLOv4 | YOLOv4 Object Detection Code
Draw Geometric shapes with Mouse Click event using OpenCV - Part 1
Load or Extract Data from MySQL DB or CSV file for ML | Extract Data using Sklearn Python for ML
Sentiment Analysis using LSTM model & Flask web app | LSTM Python Code
Image Captioning Deep Learning Model | Convert Image Descriptions into Vocabulary | Coding Part - 2
YOLOv4 Object Detection Crash Course | YOLO v4 how it works and how to build it | Introduction
25.Deploy ML on Cloud - Docker file for Prediction Flask app | Deploy ML Model Flask Docker Azure
Build Clothing Image Prediction CNN Web App | Flask App.py - Part 1
What is Performance Monitoring of Virtual Machines | Azure VM Performance Monitoring
Label Images for Object Detection | Annotate Images for Machine Learning | YOLOv4
Enable Apache Spark(Pyspark) to run on Jupyter Notebook - Part 1 | Install Spark on Jupyter Notebook
Make an Image Bright in OpenCV | Color Contrast in OpenCV
Convolution Neural Network (CNN) Introduction and Intuition | Convolution Neural Network Explained
Convert SQL Queries into Python Pandas | Part-2 | GROUPBY ORDERBY HAVING clause
Simple Linear Regression using Scikit Learn & Spark MLLib | Data Pre-processing | Code Part 1
Calculate Matrix Addition and Subtraction using Python
Sentiment Analysis using LSTM model & Flask web app | Flask Code Part - 1
Sorting Contours according to Size or Area OpenCV | How to Sort Contours OpenCV
Object Detection using YOLO v4 PRETRAINED Weights | Install YOLOv4 WINDOWS
Multiple Linear Regression using Spark(PySpark) MLLib | Coding Part - 2
Speech Recognition Hands-on Tutorial using Python | Working with Audio Files | Code Part-1