145 тысяч подписчиков
115 видео
Register Transfer Language
Bits and the digital abstraction
Registers, Flip-flops, and Modular Design
Positional Notation and Hexadecimal Notation
Number Bases: Decimal and Binary
Boolean Operators
Arithmetic Logic Unit
Hamming Distance and Parity
Binary Arithmetic in Computers
Two's Complement Representation and Overflow
Minimal Boolean Expressions
Karnaugh Maps (K-maps)
Anatomy of a C program
Tristate Buffers
Positional notation and Number Bases
MIPS memory image
MIPS LW implemented
Example: Analyzing circuits with feedback
MIPS SB and SBU implemented
LC-3 Instructions -Loading arrays near (LEA-LDR) and far (LD-LDR)
Basics of variable declaration
Compiling, assembling, and linking
IEEE 732 Floating Point Notation
Example: Building RAMs
Multiplexers and Arithmetic Logic Units
CS 233 Section 3 p1 and p2
C programming - printf and scanf
(7,4) Hamming Code
LC3 ISA programming
SR Latches, D Latches, and D Flip-flops