39 тысяч подписчиков
96 видео
Kubernetes | ClusterIP service - demo
Kubernetes | NodePort service - demo
Kubernetes | Deployments - demo
Kubernetes | ReplicaSets - demo
Kubernetes | Deploying pods to Kubernetes - demo
Helm | Introduction to Helm
Kubernetes | Deployments
Kubernetes | ReplicaSets
Kubernetes | Kubernetes architecture
Kubernetes | Deploying pods to Kubernetes
Basics of HCL - Terraform [2]
Kubernetes | What are Pods?
More about input variables in Terraform - Terraform [9]
What are meta arguments in Terraform?
Kubernetes | Using ConfigMaps for setting environment variables
7. Linux Basics: get help about a command
Docker | Run commands in a docker container
Docker | List - pull - delete docker images
Django Rest Framework Tutorial For Beginners: Learn Django Rest Framework in 1 hour
Working with input variables in Terraform
Kubernetes | Secrets as volumes
Variable definition precedence in Terraform - Terraform [12]
5. Linux Basics: print working directory - list files & directories
Kubernetes | ConfigMaps as volumes
Docker | Port mapping
Complex types in Terraform - Terraform [11]
Create resources with Terraform - Terraform [3]
build and push docker image in Azure Container Registry ACR
Docker | Run a container in attached - detached mode
Working with input variables in Terraform - Terraform [8]
Mutable infrastructure VS immutable infrastructure
Deploy a react app in K8s
Kubernetes | YAML Basics
What are providers in Terraform? - Terraform [5]
Docker | Run - list - stop - remove docker containers
Kubernetes | Working with StatefulSets
Output variables - Terraform [13]
Docker | Building a docker image using Dockerfile