62 тысяч подписчиков
269 видео
Keep Poetry Virtual Environment in project folder
Let’s pixelate images with Python and Jupyter notebook
Let’s create our first Jupyter notebook together! Introduction.
Don't switch on types. Adhere to the open-closed principle with polymorphism
Solve coupling with dependency injection in Python
Hide those nasty libraries behind an interface in Python
Building self-driving cars in Python from scratch
Why I lied when I said that Python does not have a compiler
Mahjong Solitaire in the Windows Store
Does Python have a Type System?
Install Python, Visual Studio Code and execute "Hello World!" on Windows in 2024
Install Python, Visual Studio Code and execute Hello World! on macOS in 2024
3-1 Products in database - Python Django beginners course
Understand self better by building a class in Python yourself
1-2 Create Django project - Python Django beginners course
Sorting your custom class instances in Python
Let’s use Dependency Injection and Dependency Inversion to FIX this coupled code!
The shortest explanation of Statements, Expressions and Functions
What are Python TYPE HINTS and how to use them in Visual Studio Code
Learn generator functions to OPTIMIZE LOOPS in Python
How to create a RECURSIVE FUNCTION in Python
TypeError: < not supported between instances of X and X. How to make your objects sortable
Lets build Hangman! How to create a beautiful Python Terminal game
Python Midi Sequencer
Python Generics ⇢ Make FirstOrDefault method with type hints
Still confused about self in Python? Then watch this!
Object of type X is not JSON serializable - Object Serialization in Python Part 1
Generic object serializer - Object Serialization in Python Part 3
Square Root and raising numbers to a power in Python
Only DEPENDENCY INJECTION will save you from this spaghetti code!
Dependency injection #python
Working with Variables in Python will not be the same after seeing this
2-2 Static files - Python Django beginners course
How to convert a STRING TO INT in Python and what to do when things go wrong
Asynchronous Pyglet Render Loop: The Key to Smooth and Responsive Functionality
How bound methods are the key to understanding SELF in Python.
What is a tuple? See many Python examples and exercises.
Do PRIVATE variables EXIST in Python classes?
Store numbers in variables and calculate with them in Python.
Concatenate first and last name - Python Exercise for beginners
Python GUI with TKINTER
Use print to present numbers and text in Python
Reshape ByteArray and other flat lists with itertools.batched in Python
MIXINS in Python explained with an example
Generics at runtime in Python 3.12. Type hints are borderline magic!
How to run FLAKE8 from the COMMAND LINE
Negative Indexing lists in Python to prevent index out of range
object is not subscriptable. Why it happened and how to fix it.
Getting started with Python Unit Tests and TDD to structure your code better
Why Context managers are so great and how to create one yourself!
SQLAlchemy 2.0 Introduction - Create, Insert, Select and Relationships
What does OBJECT EQUALITY in Python mean?
Linear regression: free chapter from the course 'Building a neural network from scratch with Python'
Map and Filter lists with List Comprehensions in Python
TypeError: can only concatenate str (not "int") to str. The solution
How to write ASSERT statements that IMPROVES the quality of your Python code
4-2 Master page - Python Django beginners course
Lambda Expressions to create Anonymous Functions in Python
Python Context manager.