24 тысяч подписчиков
3 тысяч видео
Overview of Spring Boot’s Internal Architecture
Walkthrough of the Server-side of the FolderApplication Case Study
Advanced Java CompletableFuture Features: Handling Runtime Exceptions (Part 1)
Overview of Android Frameworks
Overview of Concurrent Programming Concepts
Managing the Java Thread Lifecycle: Java Thread Interrupts vs. Hardware/OS Interrupts
Programming Bound Services with Messengers (Part 2)
Concurrent Object-Oriented Programming with Java and Android: Course Overview and Logistics
Introduction to Java (Part 1a)
Common Use Cases for Condition Variables
Java Thread and Monitor Object Example
Java Semaphore: Usage Considerations
Java Functional Interfaces: Predicate
The C++ STL map Container
The Java Fork-Join Pool Framework (Part 3)
Overview of the C++ Standard Template Library (STL)
Lecture 20: A Case Study of Gang-of-Four Patterns
Computing Factorials with Java Sequential and Parallel Streams
Overview of Java 8 Streams (Part 3)
Lecture 24: A Case Study of Gang of Four Patterns
Section 2: Module 1: Part 1: Overview of Android Servcies
Brief History and Structure of the Gang of Four Patterns Book
Concurrent Object-Oriented and Functional Programming with Java & Android: Course Overview (Part 2)
Java Streams: Avoiding Common Programming Mistakes
The Java Consumer Functional Interface
Java Threads: Key Class Methods
Overview of Basic Java 8 CompletableFuture Features (Part 1)
Java Platform Threads vs. Virtual Threads (Part 2)
Pros and Cons of Java 8 Parallel Streams
Java Streams: The reduce() Terminal Operation
Java Parallel Streams Internals: Order of Results (Part 1)
Java Streams: Contrasting the reduce() and collect() Terminal Operations
Java Parallel Stream Internals: Demoing How to Configure the Common Fork-Join Pool
Java 8 Parallel Stream Internals (Part 1)
Java Parallel Streams Internals: Demo’ing How to Configure the Common Fork-Join Pool
Java Parallel Streams Internals: Configuring the Common Fork-Join Pool
Comparing Java Sequential Streams with Java Parallel Streams
Java Streams and Reactive Streams implementations of Sequential/Parallel Factorial Computation
Overview of Java FutureTask
Overview of Java: Key Functional Programming Concepts & Features – Immutable Objects
Implementing Closures with Java Lambda Expressions
Advanced Java CompletableFuture Features: Single Stage Completion Methods (Part 2)
The Reactor and Singleton Pattern
Combining Object-Oriented & Functional Programming in Java (Part 2)
Overview of Java Structured Concurrency
Using Java Lambda Expressions Correctly & Efficiently