144 подписчиков
62 видео
Arrays Introduction
Any Base to Decimal conversion in JAVA
First Index and Last Index of an element in an array using Binary Search
Next Greater Element on the right in an array | Stacks | JAVA
Detect Duplicate Brackets in an expression in JAVA
Rotate Matrix by 90 degrees in JAVA
Find Kth node from the end of the Linked List in JAVA
Insert and Delete a node in a linked list at a given position in JAVA
Check Brackets are Balanced or not in an expression | Stacks | JAVA
Insert node at first, middle and end in the Linked List in JAVA
Excel Coulmn Title
Matrix Addition, Subtraction and Multiplication in JAVA
Exit point of a Matrix in JAVA
Two Sum | two-pointer | HashSet | Arrays | JAVA
Maximum Sum Subarray | Kadane's Algorithm | Array | JAVA
Implement Stack Using Linked List | Stack Adapter | JAVA
Reverse a Linked List in JAVA (Both Data and Pointer Iterative)
Introduction to Stacks in JAVA
Spriral Traversal of a Matrix in JAVA
Reverse K group of nodes in a Linked List in JAVA
Introduction to Queue in JAVA
Search in a 2D sorted array in JAVA
Sort 0's and 1's in an array in JAVA
Implement Queue using Linked List | Queue Adapter | JAVA
Search in a Rotated and Sorted array in JAVA
Merge two sorted Linked Lists in JAVA
Sort 0's, 1's and 2's in an array in JAVA
Radix Sort in JAVA
Delete node at first, middle and end in the Linked List in JAVA