21 тысяч подписчиков
147 видео
Esther Nam - One weird trick to becoming a better software developer - PyCon 2018
Chalmer Lowe - Statistics and probability: your first steps on the road to data science - PyCon 2018
Pieter Hooimeijer - Types, Deeper Static Analysis, and you - PyCon 2018
Claudio Freire - Efficient shared memory data structures - PyCon 2018
Ruben Orduz, Nolan Brubaker - A Python-flavored Introduction to Containers And Kubernetes
Devishi Jha - Teaching Python 101 - PyCon 2018
Mariatta Wijaya - What is a Python Core Developer? - PyCon 2018
Jake VanderPlas - Performance Python: Seven Strategies for Optimizing Your Numerical Code
Ned Batchelder - Big-O: How Code Slows as Data Grows - PyCon 2018
Nicolle Cysneiros - Graph Databases: Talking about your Data Relationships with Python - PyCon 2018
Ewa Jodlowska - PSF Report & Community Service Awards - PyCon 2018
Barry Warsaw - Get your resources faster, with importlib.resources - PyCon 2018
Graham Dumpleton - Secrets of a WSGI master. - PyCon 2018
Alex Gaynor - Learning From Failure: Post Mortems - PyCon 2018
Matt Davis - Python Performance Investigation by Example - PyCon 2018
Stuart Williams - Python by Immersion - PyCon 2018
Julie Qiu - Build a Search Engine with Python + Elasticsearch - PyCon 2018
Hynek Schlawack - How to Write Deployment-friendly Applications - PyCon 2018
Sara Packman - The Journey Over the Intermediate Gap - PyCon 2018
Renato Oliveira - User focused API Design - PyCon 2018
Mariatta Wijaya - Build-a-GitHub-Bot Workshop - PyCon 2018
Nina Zakharenko - Elegant Solutions For Everyday Python Problems - PyCon 2018
John Reese - Thinking Outside the GIL with AsyncIO and Multiprocessing - PyCon 2018
Jiaqi Liu - Building a Data Pipeline with Testing in Mind - PyCon 2018
Rae Knowler - Python, Locales and Writing Systems - PyCon 2018
Matthew Rocklin - Democratizing Distributed Computing with Dask and JupyterHub - PyCon 2018
Steven Sklar - The Hare Wins the Race: Getting the most out of RabbitMQ in distributed applications
Colin Carroll, Karin C. Knudson - Fighting Gerrymandering with PyMC3 - PyCon 2018
Amber Brown ("HawkOwl") - How We Do Identity Wrong - PyCon 2018
Carl Meyer - Type-checked Python in the real world - PyCon 2018
Using GitHub, Travis CI, and Python to Introduce Collaborative Software Development - PyCon 2018
Daniel Pyrathon - A practical guide to Singular Value Decomposition in Python - PyCon 2018
Trey Hunner - Using List Comprehensions and Generator Expressions For Data Processing - PyCon 2018
Allen Downey - Introduction to Digital Signal Processing - PyCon 2018
Shohei Hido - CuPy: A NumPy-compatible Library for GPU - PyCon 2018
Amanda Sopkin - Randomness in Python: Creating Chaos in an Ordered Machine/Controlled Environment
Kyle Knapp - Automating Code Quality - PyCon 2018
Trey Hunner - Python 2 to 3: How to Upgrade and What Features to Start Using - PyCon 2018
Dustin Ingram - Inside the Cheeseshop: How Python Packaging Works - PyCon 2018
Alvaro Leiva Geisse - Systemd: why you should care as a Python developer - PyCon 2018
David Gouldin - import time_travel: A Primer on Timezones in Python - PyCon 2018
Carol Willing - Practical Sphinx - PyCon 2018
Zekun Li - There and Back Again: Disable and re-enable garbage collector at Instagram - PyCon 2018
Lightning Talks - Saturday Evening - PyCon 2018
Mario Corchero - Effortless Logging: A deep dive into the logging module - PyCon 2018
Sunday Morning Lightning Talks + Keynote - PyCon 2018
Catherine Devlin Keynote - Final Remarks - PyCon 2018
vigneshwer dhinakaran - Pumping up Python modules using Rust - PyCon 2018
Greg Price - Clearer Code at Scale: Static Types at Zulip and Dropbox - PyCon 2018
Nir Arad - Controlling apples with snakes: Automating mobile apps with Appium - PyCon 2018
Paul Vincent Craven - Easy 2D Game Creation With Arcade - PyCon 2018