549 тысяч подписчиков
7 тысяч видео
How to generate code with prompts using Copilot [2 of 6]
What is Serverless and why is it so popular now? [1 of 16] | Beginners Series to: Serverless
JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) | Python for Beginners [38 of 44]
Understanding & Managing Postgres Table Bloat | Citus Con: An Event for Postgres 2023
OneDrive and SharePoint APIs in Microsoft Graph
How do I enhance the security of my Nuxt.js website? | One Dev Question
Migrating to SQL: Enabling Automatic Conversions for Partitioned Tables (Ep.5) | Data Exposed
Use ephemeral development environments for mission-critical workloads on Azure
How VSCode AKS Extension Simplify Development Experience
What is GitHub Copilot for Business?
SQL Insider Series: Exporting Azure SQL DB BACPAC file to Azure with Azure Automation | Data Exposed
Power Fx: the Programming Language for Low Code and what it means for Developers | OD539
How to configure routing in Azure Static Web Apps [6 of 22] | Azure Tips and Tricks: Static Web Apps
Learn the Basics of PyTorch
Extending Windows Admin Center to manage your applications and infrastructure using modern
Maps (Xamarin.Essentials API of the Week)
Translating Mobile Apps With The Multilingual App Toolkit | The Xamarin Show
The Perfect Match: ASP.NET Core Web API + Xamarin Mobile Apps - THR3010
Whats coming in .NET 9 for hybrid development?
Storage 101 for Azure SQL and SQL Server Engineers | Data Exposed: MVP Edition
Build SQL Database Projects Easily in Azure Data Studio | Data Exposed
Machine Learning in Azure Data Studio - THR3013
The Windows Admin Center
How WSL accesses Linux files from Windows
How to Analyze Query Plans in Azure Data Studio | Data Exposed
How to use NPM scripts for your development task automation [7 of 26] | Node.js for Beginners
Defrag Tools #202 - InfoSec with Paula Januszkiewicz
Introduction to Java Modules | Java for Beginners
Hello Microsoft Build: Monday, May 17, 2021
SQL Server on Azure VM Overview | Azure SQL for beginners (Ep. 4)
All things client and mobile app development with .NET MAUI | BRK204
Event-driven design patterns to enhance existing applications using Azure Functions - BRK3041
Playwright and Python feat Andrew Knight (@automationpanda) Live at PyCon US
Azure Container Registry Tasks: Build and deploy to Azure App Service | Azure Friday
To Fine Tune or Not Fine Tune? That is the question
How PWAs further integrate with the host OS [16 of 17] | PWA for Beginners
Extracting Data From Documents and Forms with OCR and Form Recognizer
Learn Live: Extract data from forms with Form Recognizer | GBCLL09
Adding a task to your Azure Pipeline configuration file to use a secrets file
Creating a keyboard controlled by eye movements
Vision AI at the Edge for Industrial Inspection | ODFP234
Intro to Windows Package Manager
The Xamarin Show | Episode 3: Xamarin.Forms Performance Tips and Tricks
How to create Widgets for Windows 11
Introduction to Load Testing: Find out if your app will survive peak usage using VSTS
Supercharging your Python Development with Pylance in Visual Studio Code
Building and publishing [7 of 7] | Beginners Series to Unity
Physics and collisions [5 of 7] | Beginners Series to Unity
Technical deep dive into creating the “Solutions Showcase for Mixed Reality” app for HoloLens
How can Copilot help me test my software?
e2e testing with Playwright | OD111