1544 тысяч подписчиков
25 видео
Dinosaurs. Lessons from magpies
Pets on the farm. Lessons from magpies
How to cross the road correctly. Rules of the road for children. Lessons from magpies 2.
Traffic light. Rules of the road for children. Lessons from magpies 1.
The Wolf and the Seven Young Goats (A fairy tale for the little ones)
Turnip. Cartoon. Russian folk tale for the youngest children
Alphabet-Sergey Mikhalkov. Children's poems-Learn letters-learn the alphabet
бабочка летит 2
Считалочка - загадка - А и Б сидели на трубе
Учимся считать от одного до десяти (Считалка от 1 до 10). Счёт для самых маленьких
The Fox and the Crane-Cartoon (Russian folk tale for the little ones).
Favorite children's stories - the Turnip, the hen, little Red riding Hood, house, Gingerbread
Children's poems by Agnia Barto-Korablik
Teremok-Cartoon (Russian folk tale for the little ones)
Chicken Ryaba. Cartoon fairy Tale for the youngest children
Three pigs. Cartoon. A fairy tale for the little ones.
Счёт от одного до десяти (Считалка от 1 до 10). Поиграем в мемо
Сказки про Волка - Мультфильмы: Три поросёнка, Волк и семеро козлят, Красная шапочка, Теремок
Little Red Riding Hood - desenhos animados (conto de fadas francês)
Magpie-Crow-Cartoon-Fairy tale-nursery rhyme for children
Truck . Children's poems by Agnia Barto. Cartoon