48 тысяч подписчиков
341 видео
Convolution Example-Two Rectangular Pulses (Edited)
DT Fourier Transform-Rectangular Pulse
DT Convolution-Periodic Signals
AM Modulation and Demodulation (Edited)
Analysis of a 2 squared factorial design
Measurement Errors-Meter Loading
Periodic Signals
DT Signals-Time Shifting and Reversal
Response of an LTI System: Convolution
Standardizing a Normal Random Variable
Graphing a Normal PDF and CDF
Introduction to LTI Systems
System Stability
Two-sided Hypothesis Test on the Mean, Variance Known
Signal-to-Noise Ratio
Finding Intervals with Given Probabilities for Normal Random Variables
Interaction Plots for 2k Factorial Design Using JMP
Hypothesis Testing Fundamentals
Linear Regression Interpretation
Simple Linear Regression
Analyzing a single replicate of a 2k experiment with Minitab
Signals and Systems Introduction
Error in Hypothesis Testing
Single Replicate 2k Experiment by Spreadsheet
Creating Xbar and R Control Charts with JMP
Spending Money in EGR 401 and EGR 402
Confidence Intervals on the Mean with JMP
Analysis of a 2k Factorial Experiment with JMP
Hypothesis Test on the Mean (Unknown Variance) Using JMP
Graphic Representations of Data Using JMP
Linear Regression in JMP
Experimental Design Interpretation Using JMP
Current Divider
How to Interpret an Experimental Design using Minitab
Central Limit Theorem
Summary Statistics with JMP
Creating Xbar and R Control Charts in Minitab
One Way ANOVA using Minitab
Normal Probability Plot
Computing a Normal Probability Plot Using JMP
A Simple Feedback Control Example
DT Fourier Transform-Filter Output
Computing Binomial Probabilities with JMP