325 тысяч подписчиков
138 видео
Learn SQL from me | Live SQL Training | SQL Bootcamp
SQL Project | SQL Case Study to SOLVE and PRACTICE SQL Queries | 20+ SQL Problems
How to Install Python on Mac OS and How to Run Python code
Learn how to use GitHub for Beginners | GitHub Tutorial
ANACONDA Tutorial for Python | How to Install Anaconda on Mac OS and How to use Anaconda for Python
SQL WITH Clause | How to write SQL Queries using WITH Clause | SQL CTE (Common Table Expression)
Lists in Python EXPLAINED | Python Lists | Python Tutorial for Beginners #9
Recursive SQL Queries Tutorial | Learn to write SQL Queries using Recursion
Connect to PostgreSQL from Python (Using SQL in Python) | Python to PostgreSQL
Learn What is Database | Types of Database | DBMS
Exception Handling in Python | TRY EXCEPT in Python | Python Tutorial for Beginners #8
Solving SQL Interview Problem with MULTIPLE solutions | Practice SQL Queries
How to Read and Write Files in Python | File Handling Tutorial in Python
Logging Tutorial in Python | DON’T use Print for logging | How to Log messages in Python
Practice Writing SQL Queries on StrataScratch | How to Solve SQL Queries
How to learn SQL for free | Roadmap to learning SQL
Solving an SQL Interview Problem
Web Scraping in Python using Beautiful Soup | Writing a Python program to Scrape IMDB website
SQL Tutorial for Beginners | Full SQL Beginner Course
SQL JOINS Tutorial for beginners | Practice SQL Queries using JOINS - Part 1
What is a FUNCTION in Python | Python Functions | Python Tutorial for Beginners #6
REAL SQL Interview Problem | Hierarchical data in SQL
How to remove Duplicate Data in SQL | SQL Query to remove duplicate
Solving SQL Interview Queries | Tricky SQL Interview Queries
Solving a Complex SQL Interview problem | Practice SQL Queries
IF ELSE ELIF statement in Python | IF ELSE Statement in Python | Python Tutorial for Beginners #3
Subquery in SQL | Correlated Subquery + Complete SQL Subqueries Tutorial
How to become a Data Analyst FASTER ?
Learn SQL the right way | SQL Live Training | Learn SQL from me
Learn how to write SQL Queries(Practice Complex SQL Queries)
Practice SQL and Python | How to Practice Programming | Using LeetCode
Regular Expressions in Python | Regular Expressions Python Tutorial
Local and Global Scope in Python | Local and Global Variables | Python Tutorial for Beginners #7
Git Tutorial for Complete Beginners | Learn Git in 35 minutes
Import modules in Python | Import module from different directory | Python Tutorial for beginners #5
Procedure Tutorial in SQL | SQL Stored Procedure | Procedure in SQL
Top 10 SQL Interview Queries | Popular SQL Queries for SQL Interview
SQL Views Tutorial | VIEWS in SQL Complete Tutorial
Practice Complex SQL Queries | SQL Query to fetch N consecutive records
Practice Writing SQL Queries using Real Dataset(Practice Complex SQL Queries)
Solving Complex SQL Query from HackerRank | SQL Interview Query
Solving a Real SQL Interview Problem | Job Vacancies SQL Query
SQL JOINS Tutorial for beginners | Practice SQL Queries using JOINS - Part 2
SQL Basics Tutorial for Beginners (Practice SQL Queries)
SQL JOINS Interview Question | What does different SQL Joins return?
Student Result Generator SQL Interview Query - 30 | #30DaySQLQueryChallenge
REGEX in SQL to find Valid Email Ids - SQL Interview Query 24 | SQL Problem Level "EASY"
SQL Window Function | How to write SQL Query using RANK, DENSE RANK, LEAD/LAG | SQL Queries Tutorial
Top 25 SQL Interview Questions and Answers(The BEST SQL Interview Questions)
SQL Data Analytics Project (PART 1) | Data Analyst Portfolio Project
Remove Outliers - SQL Interview Query 11 | SQL Problem Level "MEDIUM"