174 тысяч подписчиков
549 видео
Binary Exponentiation | Pow(x,n) | Leetcode #50
Unrolled Linked List | Why we fill only half node in unrolled linked list
Quick Sort
Coin Change 2 | Dynamic programming | Leetcode #518
01 Knapsack using Recursion | Building Intuition
Slice a string to list of characters in Python
Duplicate number in an immutable array | Floyd cycle detection algo | Leetcode #287
Basic video operations in openCV using Python || Capture Video, Play Video, Write Video
Heapify Algorithm | Max Heapify | Min Heapify
Google DSA round problem #shorts #strings #dsa
Kruskal algorithm implementation
Sort K sorted array | Sort nearly sorted array
Rotate an image using Python (with Theory & CODE)
Subarray sum equals K | Number of subarrays with sum equals K | Leetcode #560
Kth largest element in an array | Kth smallest element in an array
Shift an image using Python (with Theory & CODE)
Find missing and repeating number
Validate IP Address | Regex | Leetcode #468
Remove adjacent duplicates in a string
Smallest Subarrays With Maximum Bitwise OR | Leetcode 2411
Kth Smallest element in a matrix | Leetcode #378
Substring with Concatenation of All Words | Leetcode #30
Balance a Binary Search Tree | Leetcode #1382
Next greater element in an array
Intuition of Big O | Worst case time and space complexity analysis
Container with most water | Leetcode #11
All nodes distance K in binary tree | Leetcode #863
Fibonacci no in O(log N) time
Basic image operations in openCV using Python
check if a list is sorted using prolog
Trapping Rainwater Problem | Leetcode #42
Quick Select Algorithm | Efficient searching algorithm
List in PROLOG (Explained with CODE)
How to find upperLimit and lowerLimit HSV values for a given RGB color
Prime Palindrome | Leetcode #866
Interpolation Search algorithm (with Example & CODE)
Mathworks Offer | Interview Dose | 23 LPA | Atharva
Find postorder given inorder and preorder | Build binary tree given inorder and preorder
Concepts of Heap | Understanding heap
Topological sort | Course schedule 2 | Leetcode #210
Perspective Transformation using Python
How to import files and run in google colab
Rotten oranges problem | Leetcode #994
5-First Prolog Code
Spanning Tree | MST | Graph Theory
Intuition of time and space complexity analysis
Merge K sorted lists | Leetcode #23
Representation of Heap | Important Concepts
Remove Duplicate Letters | Leetcode
Segmented Sieve
Sort Characters By Frequency | Leetcode