173 тысяч подписчиков
193 видео
What's the Best Place to Shoot the T26E5 for MAXIMUM Damage?
Does the Late Sherman Beat the T-34-85 In War Thunder?
Does the M48A1 Beat The Centurion MK.3 In War Thunder
The Fatal M1 Abrams Armor Flaw In War Thunder
Does the M1 Abrams Beat The Leopard 2A4 In War Thunder?
Does The Conqueror Mk 2 Suffer From Bad Ammo?
Why The Conqueror Beats The M103 In War Thunder
Does The Sherman Jumbo Beat the Tiger 1 In War Thunder?
What War Thunder Gets Wrong About APHE
Should You Angle Your Armor in War Thunder?
Sherman Vs German Big Cats
How to Kill The Strong Allied Heavies in your Tiger II
Is The IS-7 Actually OP In War Thunder?
Conquer the Battlefield with the M1A2 SEP in War Thunder
Does the M103 Have Better Armor Than the Conqueror?
Don't Fall For the T26E5's Secret Trick In War Thunder
How to kill the M103 in your Tiger II War Thunder
How To Master The Tiger H1 in War Thunder
Use This For Faster Camera Zoom
What Makes The Tiger II Awesome In War Thunder?
Does the M48 Have Better Armor Than The Centurion Mk.3?
How To MASTER the Tiger II H in War Thunder
Is M1 Abrams Armor Flawed in War Thunder?