22 тысяч подписчиков
136 видео
Monitoring K8s Cluster using Prometheus and Grafana
Ansible A to Z - Part_4 (Ansible AdHoc)
How To Login to Jenkins Server with Google Credential | GCP SSO with Jenkins
How to Setup a VPN using Pritunl | DevSecOps
Nginx Ingress Controller with AWS EKS
Build and Publish Docker Images to Docker Hub using Jenkins
Static Application Security Testing (SAST) with Jenkins and Sonarqube Integration
Linux Users and Group Management | DevOps Training
GitHub Actions | Build and Publish Docker Images to AWS ECR
How to Constrain Pods to Run on Specific Nodes | DevOps Training
Deploy a Virtual Machine to Azure using Terraform
Role - Based Authorization Strategy in Jenkins
Dockerizing Nginx + PHP7 Installation Part_1
AWS SageMaker Data Wrangler | MLOps
Nigeria We Hail Thee!
How to Build and Publish Docker Images to AWS ECR using Jenkins Pipeline
How to Grant IAM Users Access To Your EKS Cluster | DevOps Training
Managing Jenkins - Part_1/2 | DevOps Training
SETUP AWS ElasticSearch | Accessing the Kibana dashboard within a VPC-enabled ElasticSearch domain
Build and Publish Docker Image to gHCR | Scan with Trivy, a Vulnerability Scanner in GitHub Actions
Enabling SSL TLS on Apache Web server
Deploying a Fleetman Microservices Application | DevOps Training
AWS SageMaker Ground Truth | Dataset Labelling
Amazon Linux Package Management | DevOps Training
Version Control System with Git | DevOps Training
Ansible A to Z - Part_5 (Ansible Playbook)
SECURING LINUX Servers with MFA | Google-Authenticator App
Upgrading OpenSSH on RedHat and Debian Based Linux Distros
Continuous Deployment with Jenkins and Kubernetes
Dockerfile Instructions - ENV | LABEL | WORKDIR
Ansible A to Z - Part_6 (Ansible Roles)
Ansible A to Z - Part_7 (Ansible Vault)
Multi Master Kubernetes Cluster set up with Kubeadm and HAproxy
Apache Kafka - Zookeeper First Look
Docker Networking | DevOps Training
Linux File Compression | DevOps Training
Monitor K8s Cluster with Grafana Cloud
How to Detect Kubernetes misconfigurations | Introduction to Datree
Building and Testing Java based Application using Maven | Junit | Jacoco
Deploy EKS Cluster to AWS using Terraform
Ansible A to Z - Part_1 (Getting Started)