3 тысяч подписчиков
34 видео
Quick Tutorial: Build a Go App in Earthly
Shell GPT: Using GPT4 to get work done at the shell
Learn HOW to Read CSV Files in Python!
How to Use Poetry in Python to avoid Dependency Hell
Reading and Writing YAML Files with Python
Makefile Support in Visual Studio Code - Makefile VSCode Tutorial
Python List Performance - The Ultimate Guide
The Other Kind of Staff Software Engineer
Earthly May Office Hours
Build your own Container Runtime
Earthly Show And Tell - Ephemeral Environments and Time Travel Debugging with Replay.io
Pants Build, The History of Bazel, and Building Monorepos with Benjy Weinberger
Earthly Satellites with Github Actions - Speed up and simplify your GHA builds.
Containers Unveiled: Exploring macOS NATIVE containers
Using Makefile in Python with a Virtual Environment
Docker Containers: How Are They Made?
Awk Crash Course
Makefiles For Golang Projects - Save Time And Build Faster!
Earthly Show And Tell - CI Transformation with IOHK
AWK in 300 Seconds
Deciphering Messy Code (And Writing Simpler Code)
The secret to learning Rust and other challenging programming languages.
The Ultimate JQ Tutorial: Everything You Need to Know to Parse JSON Like a Pro
Earthly Show And Tell - Automated Browser Testing with Slipwise
Mastering GPT-4: Advanced Prompt Engineering Techniques Unveiled
Implicit Returns and Expressions in Rust, Ruby, Kotlin and Scala
Makefile Variables Are Complicated - Makefile assignment tutorial
Earthly Show And Tell: Firecracker VMs and Earthly
The REAL Way to master JQ
How to Containerize Python Apps Using Docker
How To Build A Fast Algorithm To Merge Lists