30 тысяч подписчиков
1 тысяч видео
Java 22+: Run HTTP Server Project Without Compiling #java #coding #airhacks
What is a CSS Custom Property / Custom Variable?
Bad Idea? Setting Defaults with Optional without If #java #shorts
Static Imports #java #shorts
Maximillian Arrruda at GeeCON 2024 #java #shorts #airhacks #geecon
Quarkus vs. WildFly -- The Request / Second Perspective
The Turbocharged String.split #java #shorts #coding #airhacks
Ya!vaConf: Cloudy Patterns for Enterprise Java #conference #java #serverless #airhacks
What are querySelector / querySelectorAll?
Jakarta EE + MicroProfile Archetype: Setup, Build, Deploy
Jakarta EE + MicroProfile Quickstarter
How To Unit Testing JavaScript
Should I Throw NullPointerException On Null Arguments? #java #shorts
Arrays.equals vs. Arrays.deepEquals #java #shorts #coding #airhacks
Modern Web - Like Java EE #slideless #usetheplatform
Refactoring: Decoding JWTs with Plain Java #java #shorts
Receiving JSON with HttpClient and JSON-B #java
Java Basics: Instance vs. Static Methods #java #shorts
Return or Finally? #java #shorts #coding #airhacks
One To Many Transformation With mapMulti #java #shorts
A Chat with Reza Rahman at Infoshare #shorts #airhacks #InfoShare2023
How To Process a Stream Twice with Collectors.teeing #java #shorts
No Dependencies Java 21 / LLM / Llama3 Integration #java #coding #airhacks #llama #llm #genai
Thin WARs, Java EE 7, Docker and Productivity
One Liner: Removing Elements from a Collection #java #shorts
Quick and Ugly: How to Subtract Collections / Sets #java #shorts #coding #airhacks
Testing Shadow DOM inside Custom Elements with Cypress
Is Your String Blank or Empty? #airhacks #java #shorts #short
111th airhacks.tv: Monoliths, Microservices, Auth, API Gateways, Schedulers #airhacks #live
#2 NetBeans Rocks: Maven, Ant, HTML 5 Support
How To Generate Random Booleans #java #shorts #coding
From Hyphenated To Camelcased #java #shorts
openJDK: quarkus on openJ9 vs. HotSpot. Startup and RAM
Enhydrator: Mapping Rows to POJOs
How Liberica JDK Happened
POST-ing a JSON document with plain Java #slideless
JavaScript Singleton with ES 6 Modules (ESM)
How To Execute an External Command with Java #airhacks #java #shorts #short #basics
CompletableFuture ...and Merry Xmas #java #shorts
How To Get The Hostname for an IP Address #java #shorts #airhacks #coding
The public static void main(String args...) method #java #shorts
What is the Default System.Logger Implementation? #java #shorts
DI, IoC and MVP With Java FX -- afterburner.fx Deep Dive
The XJC (XML to Java Compiler) #airhacks #java #shorts #short
How To Exclude Unwished Imports from Suggestions in VS Code #airhacks #java #shorts #short #vscode
Creating an Executable JAR #airhacks #java #short
Break Your Limits and the Java Challengers
Helidon: Never Block The Thread
Mission Critical Transactions
Jakarta EE and MicroProfile Innovation, Developer Experience and No Politics
Payara Micro vs./or Payara Server Full