97 тысяч подписчиков
38 видео
Intro to Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) Pattern for WPF in C#
Multiple WPF Views and View-Models using MVVM in C#
How to Template, Style, and Animate a WPF Button Control
Enterprise WPF #1: Building a base ViewModel class for MVVM
How to use a Tab Control and Tab Items with MVVM in C#
How to setup an FTP server on Microsoft Azure
How to use IDataErrorInfo to validate a WPF Model in C#
Enterprise WPF #2: Initial Data Access and Business Layers
Enterprise WPF #4: Basic create, read, update, delete (CRUD)
Learn Windows Communication Foundation in C#
How to show a WPF dialog using MVVM in C# with a mediator
Entity Framework Core Migrations with ASP.NET Core in C#
Should you use Story Points, Hours, or nothing at all?
Active Record Business Layer with and Entity Framework in C#
Enterprise WPF #5: Dependency Injection, Unity, and Moq
How to build a custom WPF Window in C#
Q&A for common MVVM pattern problems with WPF in C#
How IDisposable, Dispose, and Finalizers work in C#
Build WPF AsyncCommand using C# async await, Task, and MVVM
Kendo UI for jQuery: Building a base class ViewModel for MVVM
Bad Sprint Planning meetings and a few things you can do
DDD Value Object: Immutable Value Semantics in the Domain Model
Jwt Bearer Token Authorization, HttpContext.User, ASP.NET Core - Problem Solving Mindset | EP 1