577 тысяч подписчиков
267 видео
Automate the boring stuff with python - Tinder
Cryptography in Python with 5 lines of Code - Hashlib
Python script thats helping me sleep
Create your first GUI with Python using 5 lines of Code
Finding the Meaning of Life and Universe using Python
10 things you can do with 1 line of Python code
Create a Web Server with 300 IQ Python code
Text to Speech with 400 IQ Python code | Speech Recognition
Kivy Tutorial 13 - Content in Navigation Drawer | KivyMD
Python Network Programming 4 - Accepting Connections ( Socket Programming )
Python Network Programming 13 - Displaying All Current Connections ( Socket Programming )
Python Scrapy Tutorial - 14 - Pipelines in Web Scraping
Make a Music Player with tkinter! - #tkinter30 0/30
Kivy Tutorial 7 - Creating Dialog Boxes | KivyMD
Python GUI with Tkinter - Events and Bindings - Overriding the close button Tkinter - 21/30
Easter Eggs in Python - Part 3
Python OOPS Concepts 1 - Classes and Objects | Object Oriented Programming
Python Network Programming 16 - Multithreading ( Socket Programming )
Python Network Programming 11 - Handling Connections ( Socket Programming )
Python Asynchronous Programming - 5 - Async Event-Loop
Computer shutdown with this 200 IQ Python Code (GONE WRONG)
PyQt5 Tutorial 13 - Calender Widget & Progress Bar
PyQt5 Tutorial 15 - Converting Python .py to Executables .exe using PyInstaller
Django 2.1 - Build a Landing Page with Python - 1/25 - Django Python
Python GUI with Tkinter - Fixing the Statusbar + Current time + Total Length - 25/30
Python Network Programming 12 - Custom Interactive Shell ( Socket Programming )
Python Scrapy Tutorial - 20 - Scraping Websites with Pagination
Pygame Tutorial - 1 - Installing Python and Pycharm
Python Network Programming 10 - Multiple Client ( Socket Programming )
Python Network Programming - TCP/IP Socket Programming
Python Network Programming 2 - Creating a Socket ( Socket Programming )
Django 2.1 - Forms to SQLite database - 23/25 - Django Python
Django 2.1 - Rendering HTML files using Templates - 4/14
Python Numpy Tutorial - 10 - File Handling
Python GUI with Tkinter - Adding items to Listbox- 23/30
Python Network Programming 5 - Sending Commands ( Socket Programming )
Converting python to executables using cx_freeze - 29/30 #tkinter30
Python Scrapy Tutorial - 4 - Installation with Pycharm (recommended)
Python Network Programming 6 - Client Server Connection ( Socket Programming )
Django 2.1 - Models and Database - 8/14
Kivy Tutorial #2 - Creating your first Window | Python GUI
Python GUI with Tkinter - Adding an Image Button for playing Music - 4/30
Python OOPS Concepts 4 - Classmethods and staticmethods | Object Oriented Programming
Python Scrapy Tutorial - 12 - Item containers ( Storing scraped data )
Python GUI with Tkinter - Pause and Unpause the music using Tkinter and Pygame - 12/30
Django 2.1 - Integrating Bootstrap 4 with Django - 11/14
Python GUI with Tkinter - Grid Layout Manager and Frames - 14/30
Python Scrapy Tutorial - 3 - Robots.txt and Web Scraping Rules
Python GUI with Tkinter - Opening up files using Filedialog Tkinter - 10/30
Python Scrapy Tutorial - 24 - Bypass Restrictions using Proxies
Python Keylogger Tutorial - 8 - Keycodes in Pynput
Python Asynchronous Programming - 2 - Synchronous vs Asynchronous
Django 2.1 - Creating Models for database - 16/25 - Django Python
Django 2.1 - Render HTML using HttpResponse - 11/25 - Django Python
Python Scrapy Tutorial - 18 - Storing data in MongoDB
Kivy Tutorial #21 - Layouts and GridLayout | Kivy Basics
Python GUI with Tkinter - Messagebox + Executing commands in Menubar - 9/30