25.3 тысяч подписчиков
1.2 тысяч видео
@CM-Crayon freeze lag crew took a big L part 206
@dynoshot4438 (Marty) racist streamer rages and loses 3 1v1 matches part 89 Ontario,Canada
outlawedoath posse took a big L part 98
a obsessed fanboy rages and loses a 1v1 Ahecky_The_KID took a big L part 20
I-kaboom_86(James Wisco) obsessed fanboy took a big L part 46
RDR2 Online|How to get a griefer out of godmode alfredo_killer1 took a big L part 56
@techthegamer334 and obese-_-cannibal obsessed fanboys took a big L part 67
@PexENZ obsessed fanboy took a big L part 76, he gets stream sniped 💻💻
@Croat-Warrior obsessed fanboy has a crush on me took a big L part 45 he calls for help
@PexENZ obsessed fanboy posse gets destroyed by a "tranny" part 74 #rdo #reddeadonline
mrssxvvy obsessed fangirl loses 1v1 part 102 she calls for help #rdr2online #rdo
Rhy x Davontheboss2 - new kind of love
🕊️ Kevin Conroy Batman voice actor