15 тысяч подписчиков
124 видео
Bank #IFSC Code Checker using #Python #Streamlit | Real-time Web Application
Fake News Detection using Machine Learning | Flask Web App | Tutorial with #code | #fakenews
Do you know about this Python Trick 😉 #python #shorts #youtubeshorts
Programming Facts #3 #shorts
Programming Facts #7 #shorts
Programming Facts #2 #shorts
Face Detection & Counter App using #python #streamlit #facedetection
Unbelievable Python Coding Hacks that will Blow Your Mind!....🤯#python #programming
Python Programming ASMR - List Comprehension vs Loops #asmr #shorts #python #programming
DALL.E 2 - Transform Text Prompts into Stunning Images | App using Python | EC2 Deployment
Spam Detection WebApp using NLP Python | Flask Episode - 2
Object Detection & Instance Segmentation using Mask R-CNN [ Full Tutorial ]
Sagemaker Tutorial - 2 | Invoke SageMaker Endpoint using Lambda & API Gateway via REST API
Pedestrian Detection OpenCV Python | OpenCV Projects
Face Detection using OpenCV Python with Explanation
Android App using Python | Convert .Py to APK | #Kivy Tutorial
#OpenCV Document Scanner using Python | Demo
Convert Kivy App to Windows .Exe | #Kivy Tutorial
Yolo V5 Object Detection using Pytorch | On Local & Colab |
Music Player Assistant using Python | Full GUI using Tkinter | With Code
Building a Telegram Chatbot with Python Flask, and EC2: Introducing ChatGPT Telegram Bot
AWS PoC - Indian Legal Document Extractor (Aadhar, PAN, etc) with Bedrock, Lambda, SQS
Bird Species Identification using Deep Learning #Streamlit | With #Code | #python #keras
Programming Facts #4
InNews🇮🇳: News Summarizer App using Python with Code | Full Responsive Web Application
Deploy Streamlit App on Heroku | Streamlit Tutorials
Handwritten Digit Recognition using Python | Draw & Recognize | Mnist Classification
Don't use File Sharing Apps | Use Python Code 😉
Generate QR codes in Python in 2 minutes[With Code]
Python Programming ASMR - Do you know about this in Python?🤯
Sagemaker Tutorial - 1 | Build a Sklearn Model with AWS Sagemaker & Custom Training Script
Convert .py to .exe | Deep Learning Application
Facial Landmarks Detection & dlib installation on Windows [ With Code ]
Yolo Object Detection in Google Colab [Full Tutorial]
Face Filters like
TFLite Object Detection Android App Tutorial | TensorFlow Object Detection
Image to PDF converter using Python in 4 Lines [Python Tricks]
AWS Tutorials: Deploy Python Application on AWS EC2 (Permanent Running)
Ahmedabad 147th Rathyatra Darshan 2024 🙏😍 at Saraspur
Tensorflow Object Detection on WebCam & Video using CPU [ Full Tutorial ]
UBIAI Tool: Auto Text Labelling using GPT & Train Name Entity (NER) Model using AWS Comprehend
Real-Time Hand Gesture Recognition with Mediapipe and Tensorflow |
Publish Python Package to Pypi |
Play MP3 Playlist in Python in just 4 Lines [ With Code ]
AWS PoC Implementation - Object Detection Rest API using Lambda, Rekognition & API Gateway
License Plate Recognition using OpenCV Python | Full Tutorial
Programming Facts #6
AWS PoC - GPT-4 ChatBot with Chat-History with Langchain RAG + Lambda + API Gateway + PostgreSQL
AWS Tutorials: Deploy Machine Learning Model API on AWS EC2 (Permanent Running)
Sagemaker Tutorial - 3 | Build Custom ML Model Container using Sagemaker