9 тысяч подписчиков
135 видео
Microliths: The fall of the microservice architecture
Linux paths the right way?
create a multiline git commit from the command line?
Rust Generics - Learn Rust EP.7
Hack With Us? THM - inclusion & picklerick
linux file command - the definitive guide to telling what type of file you have
Docker in WSL WITHOUT windows docker desktop!
Log Segments - The all new and improved Null Database
Learn Kubernetes Ingress! a quick as possible introduction to k8s ingress!
chroot and how it relates to containers! - intro to "containers the hardest way"
SSH Config to make ssh a bit easier?
git squash the easy way.
Kubernetes: An Honest Ad
Flow control in Rust - Learn rust EP 3!
Kubernetes 1.27 Visual Release Notes
HTMX?! Do I use it?
Async and Await Primer - Learn Rust EP10
Rusty Structs - Learn rust EP05
Should you Hackathon?
Exploring free Container Registries - Why I use docker and github packages to store my containers
I made mistakes with file IO in the null DB
Learn Something New
k9s - The kubectl killer - Mighty Mini monday
compaction - Learning software by deleting data in a log based database
understanding kubectl - An introduction into kubernetes Part 7
Highlights of the Interview with Amanda Brock
Kubernetes 1.25 release notes!
Intro to the Kubernetes Command line kubectl
How do databases find data on disk?
Did AWS Start Using Monoliths?
External Dependencies - Learn Rust EP9
Kuberentes Deployment - An introduction to Kubernetes part 6
Linux Namespaces - their part to play in linux containers.
cgroups || control groups?
Kubernetes Worker Node - Kubernetes the hardest way
Highly Available Raspberry Pine Kubernetes Cluster ft. HAProxy, KeepAliveD and MetalLB!
Kubernetes 1.24 Release notes
Kubernetes is just too Difficult?!
Can you assign everything in rust!?!? part 1, ep 1.6
Learn the Rust language TODAY! Episode 00
Helm vs Kubernetes Operators - the ultimate showdown!!! ;)
Learn Rust - Bonus - Can you overflow? - P01:E01.5
Get on board with Kubernetes Operators!
Hack With Us? Try Hack Me - RootMe & Crack the hash
Kubernetes Rust Operator?!
Where are my Kubernetes services? Intro to how K8s services and how they work
Kubernetes Operator Challenge
Kubernetes 1.23 Release!
WSL 2 deep dive and how you can use it - Learn Linux and containers on Windows!
SCRUM: An Honest Ad
Testing in rust is not hard. Learn Rust part 2