622 тысяч подписчиков
3 тысяч видео
01 Encrypting Messages
Open Source Voice to Text Apps for Android
BASH Get Words of Set Length
VIM Tip Pipe to Vim Input
BASH Loop Until Key Pressed
BASH Prepending a Line to a File
BASH Removing the First Line of a File
Playing Midi Files in Your Shell with a Synth
I would like a new Desktop Computer
BASH IF Then Short Hand
SoX Tutorial Compilation 2024
SoX DTMF Tone Generation
ELM327 USB OBD2 Linux Videos Part #3
SendKeys in Linux with XTE of Xautomation - BASH - Linux
Linux Ate My RAM Why is Linux using so much RAM Tech Talk
BASH Set Timeout Linux Shell Tutorial
FFMPEG - Letterboxing and colors
UV Textures Across Multiple Objects - Blender 3D - Linux
Linux Click to Run Script or Program Tutorial
02 Raspberry Pi GPIO High Voltage Relay Switch Home Automation Linux Tutorial
PHP Tutorial #1- Read File Line By Line
Take a Screenshot of a Website - BASH Script - Linux - cutycapt - wkhtmltopdf
VIM - Split Screen and Navigation - Linux - Shell - BASH
Mount Partitions within an IMG File on Linux PengPod
BASH - USB Credit Card Swiper Script - Code for Magnetic Stripe HID Linux Shell
Soft Shadows with Blender 3D v2.5
Automate Rendering My Tutorial Videos Linux Shell MLT Melt
14 Linux Shell Waiting with the Sleep Command
Unlocking Motorola Bootloader on Linux with Fastboot Moto G Android Lollipop
04 Linux Shell Touching a file
Linking Buttons to Functions in Python and Qt4-designer - Linux
Multiple Windows with Python QT-Designer - Linux
Imagemagick - Tint Image - Tutorial - BASH - Linux
Start a GUI program at a Given Time - Linux
Draw a Line in PyGame - Python - Linux
BASH Get GPS Location of Your IP Address Linux Shell Tutorial
BASH - replace space in file names
Intro to Toss Up Simulations in BASH C and JavaScript Linux tutorials
Python Basics - counting with range
Change SHELL and Remove MSG at Screen startup - BASH - Linux
Python - Find Options with DIR
06 Linux Shell Touching More Files With Brace Expansions
Beginners Tutorial on SQLite3 in the Linux Shell Part 1
PyGame - Sprite Animation Walk Loop - Python - Linux #1
Streaming your Music Playlist from your web server Linux Apache mplayer vlc tutorial
Printing Address Labels in LibreOffice
Extracting SQUASHFS files on Linux initrd.gz tutorial
This will be Short and Tall
Secure FTP GUI
NerdKit - Day 1
Python - GTK GUI - Tutorial #3 - Window Position and Size
Double Sided Playing Cards in Blender 2.5 - Blender 3D
Ardour - Making Looops the Same BPM - Stretch - Linux Music
Nokia N900 - VNC Client
Right Justify Text in BASH - printf - Linux
Multi Line Inputs
Blender Video Editing #2 Fades 1
HTML5 Cloud File Server with Apache Index on Linux
Blender - Face Blur with Motion Tracking - Linux
ettercap packet sniffing part 2
Force Password change on Next Login - BASH - Linux
Creating Bar Codes and QR Codes - qrencode - BASH - GNU - Linux