622 тысяч подписчиков
3 тысяч видео
01 Encrypting Messages
Open Source Voice to Text Apps for Android
BASH Get Words of Set Length
VIM Tip Pipe to Vim Input
BASH Loop Until Key Pressed
BASH Prepending a Line to a File
BASH Removing the First Line of a File
Playing Midi Files in Your Shell with a Synth
I would like a new Desktop Computer
BASH IF Then Short Hand
SoX Tutorial Compilation 2024
SoX DTMF Tone Generation
Boxes Around Text in the Linux Shell Scripts
Antivirus Sucks
Python Basics part -1 - Hello world
01 Shell Script Arrays Tutorial
Computer Tip Moving Cursor with Keyboard Linux Beginners Tutorial
Create a Folder in the Linux Shell Script Tutorial Directory
Multiboot USB drive - Linux
Rip Files From a Website with Python and Webkit - Linux - Tutorial
BASH Lesson wget
09 Dispatch Client and Server Software and Code Shell UI
Command Line Arguments with getopts Linux Shell Programming BASH Script Tutorial
Adding 3rd and 4th Player Controls to My Arcade with Second Screen
Find Files by Date and Age Linux Shell
Variables in the Linux Shell Script Tutorial
Convert CSV to SQLite
Imagemagick - Image Border - Tutorial - BASH - Linux
Get Holidays with BASH Shell
Compiling Programs from Debian Source Repositories
BASH Get MAP from Address Linux ShellScript Wget Google Maps API
ESP8266 Arduino IDE Setup Tutorial
Date Formatting in BASH
Echo Strings as if They are being Typed by Hand - Linux - Shell Script - BASH
The Paste Command Linux BASH Shell Script Tutorial
13 Create a Backup List of Installed Packages dpkg apt on your Debian Linux System
01 VIM Syntax High Lighting Coloring
Godot Align TextureButton Images
ncurses Dialogs for your Linux Shell Script tutorial
Record All Screen Output to File - BASH -Linux
Prank Calls from the Commandline using cURL - BASH - Linux
Shell Basics - If Then Else with Strings - Linux - BASH
URL Requests with cURL and Chrome Console
Splitting Strings into Arrays - BASH - Linux
Copying Files to another Computer on Linux
Link an object from one scene to another in Blender 3D
httpd Busybox Server Side Scripts CGI BASH Linux Web Server Tutorial #2
BASH Tutorial - Advanced GUI Interface #2
Basic Cube Rotate on Document Click HTML5 3D Threejs tutorial
2D to 3D Logos with GIMP and Blender Live Stream
Running Scripts at Boot on an Android Phone
80s Retro Logo in GIMP
Arrow Keys and BASH Read Command - Short
Linux Shell Parsing JSON with jq
Infinite Background Scrolling in Godot
BASH Count Vowels in Strings Linux Shell Tutorial
Transferring Files Securely with SCP and SFTP - Linux
Installing Debian on the N900
SED Ignoring Case in Search and Replace Linux Shell tutorial BASH
Global and Local Variables in the Linux Shell Script Tutorial
List Files in the Linux Shell Script Tutorial Directory and Folder
Convert JSON to CSV