25 тысяч подписчиков
78 видео
Unique Key (UK) Constraint in SQL Server
Import data from Excel to SQL Server table
Add or Remove/Drop Columns in a Table in SQL Server
Download and Install SQL Server 2017 and SSMS
Convert rows from a SQL Query or Table to JSON format
SQL Server 2016 new feature - IF EXISTS with ALTER TABLE and DROP stmts
Polybase - Install JRE 7 Update while installing SQL Server 2016/2017
Call Stored Procedure with multiple parameters from Excel
Install SQL Server Named Instance
GROUP BY with Aggregate functions in SQL statement
Parse JSON string with nested elements in SQL Server
Move user Database (.mdf and .ldf files) to another drive in SQL Server (DBA stuff)
Create Database in SQL Server
StretchDB - Stretch tables to Azure SQL Database with SQL Server 2016
NOT NULL, DEFAULT, CHECK Constraints in SQL Server (Domain Integrity in DBMS)
Read JSON data from a table and parse it to rows and columns
Install SQL Server Reporting Service (SSRS 2014)
Foreign Key (FK) Constraint in SQL Server (Referential Integrity in DBMS)
All about IDENTITY property in SQL Server (Deep Dive)
RANKING functions with OVER clause in SQL Server 2012
Create Pivot Table report in Excel by connecting SQL Server
Temporary Tables vs Table Variables - SQL Server Basics
Export a Table or Query results from SQL Server to Excel
Create a Ubuntu Linux VM on Microsoft Azure
Dynamic Data Masking in SQL Server 2016 +
Alter or Change DataType of a Column in SQL Server
Create Parametrized SQL Reports in Excel
Import multiple Record sets from an Excel sheet to SQL Server
Install SQL Server 2014 (with Default Instance)
Store JSON data in SQL Table using IsJSON() CHECK constraint
Table Variables in SQL Server (Pound Tables)
Run SQL Query with Date Range filter in Excel
Deep dive: Using JSON with SQL Server
SELECT statement in SQL Server (DML, DQL, Query table data)
Install SQL Server Integration Service (SSIS 2014)
new STRING_SPLIT() function in SQL Server 2016
Connect SQL Server on Linux Azure VM from SSMS
Move tempdb to another drive in SQL Server
Install SQL Server 2014 Analysis Service Tabular Model (SSAS - ROLAP)
Move master database to another drive in SQL Server
Installing SQL Server 2016
Import JSON string to SQL tabular row-column format
Connect SQL Server from Excel and retrieve data
Install SQL Server on Linux Azure VM
Detach and Attach a Database in SQL Server
IDENTITY property (Part 1/3) of a Column in SQL Server
Install SQL Server 2016 RTM
FORMAT() function in SQL Server 2012
WHERE clause in SQL Server (DML, Filter table rows)
DDL, DML, DCL & TCL statements in SQL (Database basics)