8900 тысяч подписчиков
162 видео
I'm creating my own language learning app!
I created my own language learning app - (part 1)
I created a world to teach people languages - (part 2)
SHOCKING polyglots with my new language learning app (Part 3)
RELEASING my own language learning app
Fluyo - A language learning app like no other (Cinematic Trailer)
Fluyo passed $500,000 on Kickstarter! Celebrating + AMA!
Fluyo is now the #1 most funded app ever on Kickstarter
We did it!
Fluyo vs. Duolingo vs. Anki | Best language app?
Ranking TOP Language Learning Apps (Tier List)
I secretly learned my Nigerian family’s language and shocked them. 😂 🇳🇬
My language learning app blew up on Kickstarter 🤯🐬
Polyglot speaks 11 languages in VRChat
Learning a Language Based on your MBTI personality type (Part 2)
How to learn ANY language with Anime & Manga
"You speak eight languages?!" - VRChat
How to learn a language based on your personality type (NF types - MBTI)
How to learn ANY language in 6-12 months
Getting back into learning a language be like...
5 Best Language Learning Apps 2023
"How do you speak so many languages?" - VRChat
Top 5 language learning apps ranked📱
A not so great update
"An American that speaks Chinese, Spanish & French?!" -VRChat
I created my own language learning app while bedridden😷
"You speak 7 languages?!" -VRchat
My Language Learning Goals 2021
Sick In Bed, I Built a $3M Language App
🐬 FLUYO Gameplay 🐬 (new language learning app)
5 Best Language Learning Apps 2020