3 тысяч подписчиков
548 видео
Motivation 0041 #inspiration #mindset #money
35 | How to use GENERAL FUNCTION in ORACLE SQL | Oracle PL/SQL Programming
17 | Find Range of the Roots | Algebraic-Transcendental Equations | Numerical Analysis in Bangla
Install Anaconda 3 in Windows 10 |2021| How to use Spyder and Jupyter Notebook
10 | Basic Arithmetic Operations on INTEGERS in BASH SHELL Script
07 | How to Append any File in BASH Shell Script
12 | How to use the TRUNCATE Command in SQL in SQL PLUS CLI | Oracle PL/SQL Programming
19 | Use of FOR Loop ( Different Syntaxes ) in BASH SHELL Script
06 | mkdir - Create a New Directory | Linux CLI
01 | Introduction to DBMS | Database Management System | Oracle PL/SQL Programming
How to use graphics.h in Windows10 64bit using Dev-C++
09 | How to Play with AUDIO and Video in HTML5 | Learn HTML5 in a Day
#14 - Local & Global Variables in Python
02 | Why Penguin is the LOGO of Linux | Linux The KERNEL
48 | Explicit Cursors in ORACLE PL/SQL | Oracle PL/SQL Programming
14 | What is NOT NULL CONSTRAINT in SQL and How to use NOT NULL | Oracle PL/SQL Programming
30 | How to use CHARACTER FUNCTION in ORACLE SQL(Part-1) | Oracle PL/SQL Programming
24 | Exception Handling | PHP MySQL Programming in Bangla
12 | How the CASE-ESAC Statements work in BASH SHELL Script
46 | Basic - While - For Loops in ORACLE PL/SQL | Oracle PL/SQL Programming
40 | CREATE SEQUENCES in Oracle SQL | Oracle PL/SQL Programming
How to Configure PHP-MySQL-phpMyAdmin in UBUNTU | Run PHP Applications in UBUNTU
english subtitle 69
english subtitle 88
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english subtitle 77
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english subtitle 86
english subtitle 82
english subtitle 83
english subtitle 74
english subtitle 68
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english subtitle 85
47 | Implicit Cursors in ORACLE PL/SQL | Oracle PL/SQL Programming
14 | How the ARRAY Works - Define - Add - Remove - Replace elements in BASH SHELL Script
english subtitle 67
english subtitle 84
18 | How to use the UNTIL - DO - DONE Loop in BASH SHELL Script
english subtitle 87
33 | How to use DATE-TIME FUNCTION in ORACLE SQL (Part-2) | Oracle PL/SQL Programming
09 | date -View the System Date & Time | Change System Date & Time | Linux CLI
25 | How to use the readonly Command with FILE & FUNCTION in BASH SHELL Script
45 | Conditional Statements in ORACLE PL/SQL | Oracle PL/SQL Programming
08 | "cal" -View the Calendar | "ncal" - Row -Wise Days in Calendar | Linux CLI
02 | Basic Text Markup - Part - I | Learn HTML5 in a Day
22 | Use of BREAK and CONTINUE Statements within LOOP in BASH SHELL Script
04 | Getting started with SQL Command Prompt | Structured Query Language | Oracle PL/SQL Programming
08 | Kali Linux - WSL 2 install and GUI setup with Error Code"10061" Solution | Linux The KERNEL