806 тысяч подписчиков
404 видео
The LeetCode Fallacy
Max Area of Island - Leetcode 695 - Python
Single Number - Leetcode 136
Jump Game - Greedy - Leetcode 55
Move Zeroes - Leetcode 283 - Python
Redundant Connection - Union Find - Leetcode 684 - Python
NUMBER OF ISLANDS - Leetcode 200 - Python
Robot Bounded in Circle - Math & Geometry - Leetcode 1041 - Python
Binary Tree Level Order Traversal - BFS - Leetcode 102
House Robber II - Dynamic Programming - Leetcode 213
Linked List Cycle - Leetcode 141
Combinations - Leetcode 77 - Python
Partition to K Equal Sum Subsets - Backtracking - Leetcode 698 - Python
Sum of Two Integers - Leetcode 371 - Java
I made a FREE site for coding interviews
Maximum Subarray - Leetcode 53
Boats to Save People - Leetcode 881 - Python
Googles Tech Stack (6 internal tools revealed)
How to EASILY solve LeetCode problems
Problem Solving Skills for LeetCode
Number of Longest Increasing Subsequence - Dynamic Programming - Leetcode 673 - Python
Unique Length-3 Palindromic Subsequences - Leetcode 1930 - Python
Copy List with Random Pointer - Linked List - Leetcode 138
Longest Common Prefix - Leetcode 14 - Python
Coin Change - Leetcode 322
ZigZag Conversion - Leetcode 6 - Python
Kth Largest Element in a Stream - Leetcode 703 - Python
Invert a Binary Tree - Leetcode 226 - Python #shorts
Roman to Integer - Leetcode 13 - Python
Network Delay Time - Dijkstras algorithm - Leetcode 743
Jump Game II - Greedy - Leetcode 45 - Python
Prims Algorithm - Minimum Spanning Tree - Min Cost to Connect all Points - Leetcode 1584 - Python
Longest Increasing Subsequence - Dynamic Programming - Leetcode 300
Contains Duplicate - Leetcode 217 - Python
Insertion Sort List - Leetcode 147 - Python
How to effectively learn Algorithms
House Robber III - Tree - Leetcode 337
Majority Element - Leetcode 169 - Python
Find Missing Observations - Leetcode 2028 Weekly Contest Problem - Python
Is FAANG dead?
Leetcode 24 Hour Challenge (while learning Golang)
Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum - DFS - Leetcode 124 - Python
Repeated DNA Sequences - Leetcode 187 - Python
Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree - Leetcode 108 - Python
Clone Graph - Depth First Search - Leetcode 133
Linkedin Interview Question - Reorder List - Leetcode 143 - Python
Word Search - Backtracking - Leetcode 79 - Python
Pow(x, n) - X to the power of N - Leetcode 50 - Python
Find the Kth Largest Integer in the Array - Leetcode Weekly Contest - 1985 Python
Iterative & Recursive - Binary Tree Inorder Traversal - Leetcode 94 - Python
Longest Repeating Character Replacement - Leetcode 424 - Python