59 тысяч подписчиков
99 видео
The Future of Search (with Sarah Dayan)
Should you learn JavaScript before React?
Data Visualization & DX (with Amelia Wattenberger)
Building with React 19 (actions + useOptimistic)
React Overview – Learn Next.js
Using Forms in Next.js (Server Actions, Revalidating Data)
Code Walkthrough for Next.js / React / MDX / Tailwind Application
Building an email client with the Next.js App Router & Postgres
My thoughts on Bun
Using Fonts in Next.js (Google Fonts, Local Fonts, Tailwind CSS)
Building an Image Gallery with Next.js, Supabase, and Tailwind CSS
Next.js App Router Authentication (Sessions, Cookies, JWTs)
Using Images in Next.js (next/image examples)
Building a Linktree Clone! (Next.js, React, Tailwind CSS)
Using the Notion API with Next.js
Next.js Image Component and Image Optimization
Code Walkthrough for Next.js / Tailwind / Prisma / PlanetScale App!
Instant serverless GraphQL backends with Grafbase
How to give a great conference talk
The blazing fast emoji todo list
First look at Convex with Sujay Jayakar (Co-Founder)
Immersive Web Experiences (with Bruno Simon)
Lets Talk about Developer Careers! (Hiring, Growing, and Getting Promoted)
The Future of Mixed Reality (with Adora Nwodo)
Introduction to Next.js and React
10 Next.js Tips You Might Not Know!
React 2025 – User Feedback Page + Google Sign In
Authentication Patterns for Next.js
React Server Components (with Next.js Demo)
Headless CMS, Nuxt, and Vue.js! (with Lucie Haberer)
Responding to Reddit on the Next.js App Router
Styling (CSS, Sass, CSS-in-JS) – Learn Next.js
Using Docker with Next.js (and Deploying with Google Cloud Run)
Building PWAs with Next.js + learning neovim
Building a Netflix Clone with Next.js, Tailwind CSS, and Next Auth
Partial Prerendering in Next.js 14 (Preview)
Next.js Pages / Layouts (FAQ)
Testing & Error Handling (Jest, React Testing Library) – Learn Next.js
Using PlanetScale (MySQL) with Next.js and Vercel!
Rebuilding the Twitter Embed Widget! (Next.js + Tailwind)
Code Walkthrough for Next.js 13 / Tailwind CSS / MySQL App!
Are React client components bad?
Fast ecommerce with optimistic UI and Next.js
CSR / SSR / SSG / ISR with Next.js – Explained!
What State Management Library Should I Use with React?
Authentication (Auth0, Firebase) – Learn Next.js
State Management & More (Redux, React Context, TypeScript) – Learn Next.js
How to Contribute to Open Source (Next.js)
Next.js 13 – Introduction & Tutorial
Keep your React components in the same file