45 тысяч подписчиков
408 видео
SQL | Count(*) vs Count(1) Vs Count(colname) #sqltips
Data Modeling with Erwin - Forward Engineering
SQL | Dynamic Data Masking | How to mask sensitive data | MS SQL
SQL | Count number of Sundays in a month | simplest logic #shorts
SQL Query | Load data from CSV file into database table | BULK INSERT | OPENROWSET
SQL | How to implement Conditional Count
SQL Query | Compare monthly sales with previous month, same month previous year, first month of year
SQL Query | How to insert line breaks in data | Carriage return | Line feed
SSRS Training - Creating Report Parameters
SQL Query | How to store images in database | Display in Power BI
SQL | Python | How to Connect SQL Database to Python using Pyodbc
SSRS Tutorial - Highlighting cells - Conditional Formatting
Datastage Tutorial | Difference between Join, Lookup and Merge
SQL Trick | Triple Replace | Reduce Multiple Spaces to Single Space
SQL Function You Must Know ! String Aggregation #sql #sqltips
SQL Trick | How to find position of non Alphanumeric characters | PATINDEX #sqltips
SQL Query | How to find First and Last day of week | Date functions
SQL | Extract extension from filename | Extract last occurrence of substring | REVERSE
SQL Query | Split concatenated string into columns | STRING_SPLIT function
SQL Tutorial | Date Functions | Find Age from Birth Date
SQL Query | Split Concatenated String into Columns | CharIndex
SQL Trick | How to Sort NULLs Last |Custom Sorting #sqltips #sqlinterviewquestions
SQL Query | Custom Sorting | Order by Month in an Year
SQL Functions | Geography | Calculate Distance Using Latitude and Longitude coordinates
Power BI tutorial | Data Visualizations - Decomposition Tree
SQL Query | How to find employees hired in last n months | Datediff
SQL Tip | How to calculate Year To Date (YTD) and MTD Rolling totals | #sqlinterviewquestions
SQL | How to perform conditional / dynamic joins on multiple tables based on column value
SQL | Union Vs Union ALL | Which has better performance?
SQL Trick | Avoid this Most Common Programming Mistake ! Divide
SQL | ACE Your Next SQL Interview #sqltips #sqlinterviewquestions
SQL Tips | Generate Insert Script with Data #sqltips #sqlqueryinterviewquestionsandanswers
SQL Tricks | How to Identify Alphanumeric Values #sqltips
SQL Debugging | Common Programming Mistakes | Dates
SQL Tip | Find Table Constraint Name #sqltips
SQL Tricks | Find New, Active, Lapsed Customers | Customer LifeCycle #sqlinterviewquestions
SQL Query | How to dynamically convert rows into columns | Dynamic Pivot
SQL Tip | Find Primary Key and Foreign Key Relationships #sqltips
SQL Interview Question | What is the difference between Translate and Replace
SQL | How to Convert Date / Time Formats ? | Convert | Format
SQL Order Of Execution | In which order does the clauses in a SQL Query execute?
SQL Tricks | How to Remove Unwanted Characters from the Beginning of the String? #sqltips
SQL Tip | Generate a Series in a Single Step ! #sqltips #sqlinterviewquestions
SQL Tricks | How to find value in multiple columns ?
SQL Query | How to find employees retiring at the end of the month | DATEADD | EOMONTH
SQL Query | How to convert data from rows into comma separated single column | FOR XML PATH | STUFF
SQL Interview Query | How many times does a number occur consecutively | Leetcode | Consecutive Nums
PL/SQL | Stored Procedure | Create and Execute a User Stored Procedure
SQL | NOT IN Vs NOT EXISTS (Which one to use?)
SQL Amazing Trick | Calculate Yearly, Quarterly, Monthly totals in a single SQL Query |Grouping Sets