64 тысяч подписчиков
171 видео
Whenever you walk by Nazeem in Whiterun
Mount and Blade by Balenciaga
I went on a Ride Along With MEDIEVAL COPS
What each Mount and Blade II: Bannerlord faction is afraid of
Borat in Mount and Blade: Bannerlord
Going Undercover in MEDIEVAL RUST
MUST PLAY Bannerlord Multiplayer Mods | 2023
Bannerlord Memes for Buttery Teens
When you eat radioactive food in any Fallout game
BANNERLORD but I make the most CURSED weapons
How to Play Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord
True Butterlord - Fight while mounted 2 (Metal Cover + Lyric Video) | Mount and Blade: Warband
Becoming the MOST NOTORIOUS Criminal in Bannerlord
King Harlauss Feast #mountandblade #warband #mountandbladewarband
Your first Mount and Blade game was:
How to play the Kingdom of Swadia
How to Play the Kingdom of Rhodoks
Mount and Blade: Bannerlord Lore vs Warband Lore
Becoming the Ultimate THIEF in Bannerlord
Legolas! What do your Elf eyes see?
Looter Memes for Bannerlord Queens
How to play the Khuzait Khanate
How to play the Principality of Sturgia
How to Play Battania
Video game NPCs when they despawn be like
The Most Chaotic Co-op Baldur's Gate 3 Video
God, please not Romania
How to play the Kingdom of Vlandia
How to play the Empire
Dark and Darker in a Nutshell
Can YOU beat Bannerlord by only TRADING?
Is Bannerlord ACTUALLY BETTER than Mount & Blade: Warband?
So I Roleplayed a News Reporter during a MEDIEVAL SIEGE
We finally know what Rhagaea sounds like now
Interviewing Dark and Darker Players (Gone Wrong)
This game is SO un-serious
Meeting King Harlaus for the first time
I became a News Reporter at a Medieval Tournament!
Massive Bannerlord PVP Campaign | Calradic Campaign
Chivalry 2: Tenosian Invasion in a Nutshell
Mount and Blade Content Creator Slander
Everyone's reaction to Bannerlord having voice acting now
Every team always has one...
Documenting Bannerlord Roleplayers in their Natural Habitat
Creeping in Castello | Mordhau
My honest reaction to Dark and Darker
Buying a GPU in 2021
The HERO Bannerlord needs right now
Extreme Mordhau Memes