2 тысяч подписчиков
34 видео
00. Virtual Machine Denis - Welcome to my channel
[Virtual Course] VMware vSphere Basics: Part I
Network Troubleshooting: Pt. 2 - Commands, logic, tools
02. A date with VMware ESXi
Channel update video - Happy Mother's Day 2021!
Free Windows backup agent, or how I found photos of my cat
Windows GOD MODE, 10 Useful Windows10 features you want to know
Office 365 Part 1 - It's much bigger than you may expect
06. VMware ESXi Snapshot explained
04. Setup the WIndows 2019 server VM on VMware ESXi.
10. VMware vCenter, vMotion, vSwitch, MOB
08. ESXi vs Hyper-V
Deduplication vs Block Cloning! What's the difference?
Office 365 Part 2 - GET IT FOR FREE and Subscription Plans explained
Microsoft VSS PT2: VSS troubleshooting (VSSTrace)
Office 365 Part 3 - DELETE IT NOW and how long user data persists after his death
Channel Update - September 2021 (I am back)
09. TCP/IP Outline - Networking for Dummies (and more)
Network Troubleshooting: Pt. 3 - Using Wireshark
SMTP dummy - testing Email sending with powershell
How to pass an IT interview
Network Troubleshooting: Pt. 1 - OSI and TCP/IP model
Veeam Backup & Replication Community Edition - EP2 - VMWare Backup Concept
Problem? Procmon!
ASMR Tuna Salad on Toast
05. Storage Data Structure, blocksize, deduplication
07. A date with Hyper-V (2019)
01. Basics of Virtualization
G-Suite (Google Workspace) authentication into Office 365 (SAML)
Veeam Backup & Replication Community Edition - EP1 - Setup, backup, restore