2 миллионов подписчиков
2 тысяч видео
I Found Your Github Secrets
Classify Malware with YARA
BASIC Buffer Overflow | Ryans CTF [13] Everyday Im Bufferin
Python [npyscreen] 05 Beginning Widgets
Python 45 Sum Function
Running CTFs with Docker (VirSecCon CTF Recap)
HackTheBox CA CTF - Using Snyk to Find & Fix Vulnerabilities
Hunt for Hackers with Velociraptor
Binary Exploitation Deep Dive: Return to LIBC (with Matt)
Hunting Malware with Velociraptor (YARA & Memory Forensics)
Free Hacking APIs Course (APISEC University!)
PHP strcmp Abuse: Python Web Hacking | Natas: OverTheWire (Level 24)
Exploiting MSDT 0-Day CVE-2022-30190
C++ 02 Data Types and Variables
Hackers Can Phish with PLAINTEXT QR Codes
a CYBERCRIME UNIVERSITY!?!? (FREE hacking courses - Dark Web Documentary #12)
ShellShock & Kernel Exploits - TryHackMe! 0day
TryHackMe! Tartarus - Website Password Bruteforcing
Malware Analysts can now EASILY Debloat Malware
CSAW19 - PWN - Ret2libc w/ PWNTOOLS (baby_boi)
Python [zipfile] 05 ZipInfo Objects
Rick & Morty MALWARE!? - sLoad - PowerShell & VBScript
Python [sympy] 01 Introduction
Python [sympy] 00 Installation
Python [zipfile] 01 Creating a .ZIP File
02 SOLUTION: Missing Numbers
Discussing Active Directory & Internal Network Security
Decoding with CyberChef - TryHackMe! Advent of Cyber Day 22
Dont Use CyberChef. Use This Instead.
Learn to Hack AWS & Kubernetes Clusters (for free)
Python 04: PEP8 Coding
LSADump: Dumping Passwords w/ Volatility [01] OtterCTF
VOD - TryHackMe! Game Zone - Recreating a Metasploit Exploit in Python
Python 08 Programming Style and Comments
Python [hashlib] 03 MD5 Hashing
Google CTF: Beginner Quest: FIRMWARE (Mount Filesystem)
C++ [SDL] 09 Loading Images with SDL_image
Python [pxssh] 01 Installing and Login
TryHackMe! Advent of Cyber - 2021 KICKOFF: 25 Days of Learning CYBERSECURITY
Morse Code for CTFs (PicoCTF 2022 #16 morse-code)
Mozi Malware - Finding Breadcrumbs...
TryHackMe! LIVE King Of The Hill
BLOODHOUND Domain Enumeration (Active Directory #06)
Capture The Flag! NahamCon 2024 CTF Warmups
Python [curses] 01 Intro and Hello World
MALWARE ANALYSIS - VBScript Decoding & Deobfuscating
Infrastructure as Code with Terraform & AWS
Python [sympy] 02 Symbols
This Dark Web URL Shortener Sucks
Python [sympy] 03 Equality
Starting Cybersecurity Careers (with JRHacka)