92 тысяч подписчиков
495 видео
Транспондерные новости, изменения на спутниковых частотах.
Частоты с спутника Amos 4.0°W, Какие каналы можно смотреть на спутнике Amos 4,
Новые каналы на спутнике Azerspace 46°. Транспондерные новости
Transponder news. News from satellite AzerSpace 46°
Overview and configuration of the digital terrestrial receiver Satcom T505 AVC
Overview and configuration of the satellite cable and terrestrial receiver World Vision Foros combo
Overview of the Uclan B6 metal v.2 satellite receiver
AzerSpace1 satellite frequencies 46°E, What channels can be watched on AzerSpace1 satellite
The latest transponder news 2 July 2023. Changes in satellite frequencies.
Транспондерные новости. Изменения на спутниковых частотах 12.03.2024
Overview and tuning of the tuner World Vision T624 M3
The Suspilne Sport channel appeared on the Amos 4° satellite.
Overview and setup of the Eurosky ES-19 combo / tuner t2 + s2 eurosky es-19 combo
What's new on satellite frequencies? Transponder news. Changes in satellite frequencies.
On the satellite Hotbird 13 °, frequency 10815H, the channel MY5 Uzbekistan appeared.
The latest transponder news. Changes at satellite frequencies 11/21/2023
Smartphone Xiaomi Redmi Note 10S. Redmi Note 10S smartphone review
Какие Т2 каналы можно смотреть в 2024 году?
Review of the android set-top box Openbox A7. Application overview viewing T2 channels on Openbox A7
На спутнике Astra 4.8° появился канал Мы Украина +.
Transponder news. The latest transponder news, changes on satellite frequencies.
Eurosky ES-16 mini unboxing
Overview and configuration of the T2 set-top box Eurosky ES-16 mini
Как подключить к Т2 тюнеру польскую антенну.
Transponder news. New changes on satellite frequencies. May 14, 2023.
Overview and tuning of the Tiger combo, Characteristics and overview of the Tiger combo receiver.
What happens to transponders on 10/12/2023? Transponder news.
Transponder news. Changes at satellite frequencies 09/22/2023
Изменения на спутниковых частотах на 21.01.2024. Транспондерные новости.
Full review and setup of the tiger t2 mini tuner
Transponder news. What channels can be watched on air at the beginning of 2024.
Full review of the Megogo 2024 service.
Overview of the combo receiver dvb T2 + S2 from the Chinese noname. Is this tuner worth buying?
Transponder news. Changes in satellite frequencies satellite Hotbird 13°.
The latest transponder news. What has changed at satellite frequencies? 12/27/2023
Satellite frequencies Yamal401 90°E, What channels can be watched on the satellite Yamal 401 90°E
Viewing T2 channels on the tuner Openbox S3 micro HD. Connecting a T2 adapter to an Openbox receiver
Транспондерные новости. Изменения на спутниковых частотах за сентябрь 2023.
New firmware for Vmade T2-8939
Free channels on satellites, Express AT1, Intelsat 33E, Intelsat 17
Overview and tuning of the tuner sat-integral 5052 T2 mini / terrestrial digital tuner sat-integral
Horizons 2 satellite frequencies 85.2°E, What channels can be watched on Horizons 2 satellite 85.2°E
Transponder news. Changes at satellite frequencies 10/26/2023
Complete review and setup of the Open SX 2 Combo receiver
Complete review and setup of sat-integral s-1268HD metal satellite tuner.
Transponder news. What's new on satellite frequencies in the summer of 2024.
Транспондерные новости. Изменения на спутниковых частотах 20.06.2023
Transponder news. Changes in satellite frequencies 11/07/2024
Транспондерные новости. Изменения на спутниковых частотах 20.09.2024
Full review and setup of the set-top box with a learning remote control Satcom 4180 combo