13 тысяч подписчиков
2 тысяч видео
Raspberry Pi/Python BLE Central + Arduino Nano RP2040 Connect BLE Peripheral
BLE UART communication between ESP32-S3 (arduino-esp32) and HC-42 BLE Module
Simple Compass - Arduino Nano + GY-271(HMC5883L) + mini-OLED
Arduino IDE error: ser_open(): cant open device /dev/ttyACM0: Permission denied
Connect I2C 128X64 OLED (SSD1306) to ESP32, using esp8266-oled-ssd1306
Implement pinch-to-zoom with ScaleGestureDetector
Install and run 64-bit Ubuntu MATE 22.04 LTS on Raspberry Pi 4
Delete project in Android Studio
Prepare Arduino to send data to Raspberry Pi via USB
MicroPython/ESP32-C3 Exercise: send/receive command via BLE UART
MicroPython/ESP32-C3-DevKitM-1 exercise: onboard BOOT button, and RGB LED (Neopixel).
Build GTK+ Project using Code::Blocks on Raspberry Pi
Android Studio New UI Component of Custom View
Android example of using Thread and Handler
The import android.support.v7 cannot be resolved & ActionBarActivity cannot be resolved to a type
Install gPhoto2 2.5.4 on Raspberry Pi 2/Raspbian-Jessie using apt-get
run adb shell getprop ro.product.cpu.abi on Android device and emulator
Setup Arduino IDE to support Seeed XIAO BLE (Sense), install adafruit-nrfutil
ESP-C3-12F First power-up
ESP32-C3/arduino-esp32 to display on ST7735 and ST7789 SPI LCDs
Fail to run Qt Creator on Raspberry Pi/Raspbian Jessie remotely using Microsoft Remote Desktop
Install Ubuntu 15.10 on Windows 10/VirtualBox
ESP32-S2 (arduino-esp32) display on ILI9341 SPI TFT with Touch, using TFT_eSPI Library.
Fix HAXM is not working and emulator runs in emulation mode for Android Emulator/HAXM
Python code to find my IP address, run on Raspberry Pi/Raspbian Jessie
Install Android Studio on Linux with JetBrains Toolbox
Python run on Raspberry Pi to plot serial data from ESP8266/NodeMCU
AutoCompleteTextView, subclass of EditText with Auto-complete function
Add uses-permission of android.permission.INTERNET in AndroidManifest.xml.
Install Ubuntu 16.04 LTS on VirtualBox/Windows 10
Linux command: scp copy folder
Implement swiping page effect using GestureDetector and ViewFlipper
Fix This system is currently not set up to build kernel modules for VirtualBox/Ubuntu
Raspberry Pi Pico/MicroPython, read and set CPU Frequency (overclock)
Add Adafruit_ESP8266 library to Arduino IDE, for ESP8266
IntelliJ IDEA (Java IDE) with JetBrains Toolbox
ESP8266/NodeMCU read Analog Input and send to Raspberry Pi via Serial/USB
Remote debug Java program on Raspberry Pi using Netbeans 8
Java/JavaFX Client run on Raspberry Pi, link with Android Server
ESP-05(ESP8266) + Arduino Mega, act as simple web server
Add Support Libraries of RecyclerView, CardView to Android Studio Project
Google Maps Android API v2 example: Draggable Marker
Control RPi.GPIO PWM, using Python on Raspberry Pi 2
Fixed: Raspberry Pi OS cannot find 5G Hz WiFi Network
First try NodeMCU - ESP8266 (before flash update firmware)
Install Visual Studio Code on Raspberry Pi, with apt command.
RPi Pico/MicroPython + ILI9341 SPI Display, using rdagger/micropython-ili9341
HMC5883L library with calibration, for Arduino
Share computer desktop with Chrome Remote Desktop
Boot-up Raspberry Pi 2 running SNAPPY UBUNTU CORE
Create assets folder in Android Studio, and copy file into.