9933 тысяч подписчиков
137 видео
Space-Time: The Biggest Problem in Physics
How AI Solved Protein Folding and Won a Nobel Prize
Can a New Law of Physics Explain a Black Hole Paradox?
What Your Brain Is Really Doing When You're Doing 'Nothing'
P vs. NP: The Biggest Puzzle in Computer Science
A Shot in the Dark for Dark Matter
Eclipses: The Longest-Running Science Experiment in History
Biggest Breakthroughs in Physics: 2023
DecodingThe Mandelbrot Set, Math’s Famed Fractal
Biggest Breakthroughs in Math: 2023
Biggest Breakthroughs in Computer Science: 2023
Biggest Breakthroughs in Biology and Neuroscience: 2023
The Physicist Who Sees Into Black Holes
The Extraordinary Math Hidden in Everyday Life
The Insane Ackermann Function
When Computers Write Proofs, Whats the Point of Mathematicians?
Neil Johnson: A Physicist Who Models ISIS and the Alt-Right
Why supermassive black holes shine so bright
The Scientific Problem of Consciousness
2021s Biggest Breakthroughs in Math and Computer Science
Iceland Is Mars, on Earth
How AI Discovered a Faster Matrix Multiplication Algorithm
What Is the Nature of Consciousness? | Podcast: The Joy of Why
The High Schooler Who Solved a Prime Number Theorem
Cohl Furey on the Octonions and Particle Physics
The Bridge Between Math and Quantum Field Theory
The Standard Model of Particle Physics: A Triumph of Science
A Bet Against Quantum Gravity
The Riemann Hypothesis, Explained
Battling Big Tech: Truth, Lies and AI
The Man Who Revolutionized Computer Science With Math
Could One Physics Theory Unlock the Mysteries of the Brain?
2021's Breakthroughs in Neuroscience and Other Biology
The Digital Quest for Quantum Gravity
Who Discovered the Mandelbrot Set?
Why Computer Vision Is a Hard Problem for AI
Quantum Computers, Explained With Quantum Physics
Can Large Language Models Understand Meaning?
The Easy-Sounding Problem That Yields Numbers Too Big for Our Universe
Math's Map Coloring Problem - The First Proof Solved By A Computer
The Biophysics of a Brainless Animal
The Math Hiding in Plain Sight
Why is this computer science problem so hard to solve?
The math of music
Unlocking the Secrets of Our Circadian Rhythms
Finally, a Picture of the Milky Way's Supermassive Black Hole
How Two Physicists Unlocked the Secrets of Two Dimensions
The Cosmologist Challenging Einstein
The Biggest Project in Modern Mathematics
Hunting For Signs of Life at the Top of the World
What is the Mandelbrot Set?
How Physicists Created a Holographic Wormhole in a Quantum Computer
What Is Quantum Teleportation? | Podcast: The Joy of Why