78 тысяч подписчиков
153 видео
SonarQube | Same powerful features, new unified brand experience
End-to-end security in a web application
Everything you need to know about SonarQube
Secure in Design: How Implementing Good Quality Methodology Delivers Better Software Security
Basic HTTP Authentication Risk: Uncovering pyspider Vulnerabilities
From Community to Commercial: Why Upgrade to SonarQube Enterprise Edition
Clean as You Code: A Proactive Approach to Technical Debt
AutoConfig: C++ Code Analysis Redefined with SonarQube |
Enhancing the Security and Quality of Copilot-Generated Code using Sonar | #CleanCodeTips
Driving DevOps Transformation: Leveling Up CI/CD with Static Code Analysis
SonarCloud Enterprise Plan: Key Features
What is SonarCloud?
Interview with a Java Developer | Product Manager
Block the Merge of a Pull Request in Azure DevOps
GitHub Integration | Mapping your organization into SonarQube
Intro to C++ Quick Fixes in Visual Studio with SonarLint
SonarLint for Python: How to Get Started
SonarLint for PL/SQL Overview | a free and open source IDE extension
Joomla: Multiple XSS Vulnerabilities, detected with SonarCloud
GitHub Pull Request/Branch Decoration Development Workflow with SonarQube
C++: Write Cleaner, Safer, Modern Code with SonarQube
SonarLint for Visual Studio Overview | a free and open source IDE extension
What is Sonar? | Sustainable Clean Code
Interview with a Python Developer | Why you should start coding in Python
Key features of SonarQube 9.5
SonarLint for Eclipse Overview | a free and open source IDE extension
Azure DevOps Integration | Mapping your organization with SonarQube
Empowering Developers to own Code Security | SAST Tool Solution
GitLab Integration | Mapping your organization into SonarQube
Clean Code for Python. what does this mean in practice?
Excessive Expansion: Uncovering Critical Security Vulnerabilities in Jenkins
Sonar Clean Code Tips: 5 Flask Issues to Avoid | Python
SonarLint for IntelliJ and other JetBrains IDEs Overview | a free and open source IDE extension
Bitbucket : Reviewing a Security Hotspot
OpenNMS Vulnerabilities: Securing Code against Attacker’s Unexpected Ways
SecurityGuy TV| Discovering Hidden Security Issues in Code with Sonar Deeper SAST
Clean Code: How Mistakes can Make You Great!
What is SonarLint?
Modernize Code Quality with Quick-Fixes | SonarLint
SonarLint for VS Code Overview | a free and open source IDE extension
What is SonarQube?
You're 5 minutes away from Code Quality & Code Security
Python 3.12 and F-Strings | Sonar Developer Tips
How to do Code Analysis in Minutes with SonarCloud | Automatic Code Analyzer
Reality Check: Who determines what Clean Code is anyway?
Intro to C++ Quick Fixes in VS Code with SonarLint
Weird Python: Mutable Default Arguments
Write cleaner, safer Python code with SonarQube
GitLab Merge Request/Branch Decoration with SonarQube
Episode 1 | Counting down our 5 most common
Clean Code Principles and Practices Part II : Mastering Clean Code
pfSense Security Vulnerabilities: Discovery & Demonstration on test Instance with SonarCloud
How SonarQube and SonarLint combine to help review and fix coding issues |