11717 подписчиков
41 видео
SVG animation from scratch - by beingDev
Merge/Diff using meld in GIT
Prototypal Inheritance in js - new VS. object.create VS. es6 inheritance
1.1 Flags in regular expressions - g(global), i(ignore case), m(multiline), u(unicode), y(sticky)
html5 CANVAS: Creating Game character, Part 2/2
1.2 Character classes in regular expression - . \d \w \s \t \r \n \f [\b] \0 \cX \xhh \uhhhh \
Jasmine test setup (browser and node)
JS array - for, foreach, map, reduce, filter - functional programming
Parameter handling in ES6 - default, rest, spread parameters, destructuring, Lazy functions
11 days to be a front end developer - Explaining the complete roadmap
1.4 Grouping in regular expression - (x) $1-$9 \n (?:x)
Using different npm scripts
for..of VS for..in loop. — Iterating over map, set, generator, array, object, arguments in js/es6
Git add and commit
Interview questions on hoisting in JS - Hoisting explained!
Inheritance in ES6 - Constructor, super, extends, mixin, prototype chain
Classes in ES6 - Methods, construtor, getter, setter, Static methods ---Classes not added in ES6
Amending to previous commit in Git
Template Literals/String Interpolation ES6