2 тысяч подписчиков
258 видео
Simulating Projectile Motion in Scratch: Part 1
Python Lists, Arrays, For, & If Statements
The Wave Equation & the Leapfrog Algorithm Part 1
Work and Adiabatic Processes
An Introduction to Derivatives
2D Linear Wave Simulation in Python - Leapfrog Integration
Counting Heads and Tails- Multiplicity in Two State Systems
Testing Python Solution to the 1d Linear Wave Equation (Leapfrog Integration)
The Harmonic Oscillator
Chain Rule Examples with Trig Functions
Adiabatic & Isothermal Processes Compared
Work in Isothermal Processes
Pressure in a Straw
Derivative of Square Root X by Definition...Whoa!
Use the IMPORTHTML command to scrape webpage data to a spreadsheet.
Using IF( ) to separate data by category in Google Sheets
The Leapfrog Algorithm with Numpy Arrays and Slice Notation
1D Linear Wave Simulation in Python
Pandas Intro #3: Scatterplots with Matplotlib and more Dataframe techniques
How to Import csv data files into a CoLab Notebook
Using the Limit Definition to Find the Slope of the Tangent Line
Normal Quantile Plots
Einstein Solids
Load Range Data for a Damped Spring into a CoLab Notebook
Reconstructing the Data with a Model Function
Defining a Derivative Function in Python
Introduction to Derivatives
Chain Rule Example: Reciprocal of A Polynomial
Chain Rule Example: The "mount doom" function
2D Kinematics: A mug slides off a bar
Multiplicity - How Many Microstates in a Macrostate
Chain and Product Rule Together: A parabola times a circle
Chain Rule: Derivative of a Cuspy Cube Root
Pandas Intro #2: Add columns, manipulate data, and make histograms with Pandas dataframe
Chain Rule: Cube Root of a Parabola
find period
How to Make Histograms in Google Sheets
What is Pressure?