432 тысяч подписчиков
424 видео
Zero is the Number
Company Politics
Don't Search the Job Title
The SnowFlake Data Engineer
The Core Data Roles at Real-World Companies
Certifications VS Certificates of Completion
This Job Market Sucks... and Here is the Number One Reason
Statistics Defined
Removing Outliers
Do You Know These?
What is Data... in Machine Learning?
Relational Versus Data Warehouse
Why AI is Becoming BI
The BI Developer Versus the Machine Learning Engineer
Why SQL is a Top Skill in Machine Learning
Feature Engineering Case Study in Python for Machine Learning Engineers
How Much SQL Must I Know for Machine Learning Jobs?
GoogleFU is a Required Skill
Nothing Advanced in the Data Analyst Role
You Aren't Learning Machine Learning
Stop Chasing Skills You Don't Need
How Do You Get a Job as a Data Engineer?
All Artificial Intelligence in the Real-World is Machine Learning
The Type of Company is Irrelevant
This Space is a Mess Everywhere
The Third Lesson From Upcoming Course on Real-World ML
SQL Certifications for the Data Analyst
What are Tech Stacks?
SQL for Machine Learning is SQL
Is the Google Certified Data Analyst Certificate a Scam?
The Fastest and Most Affordable Path to the Google Certified Data Engineer
Ghost Postings on the Rise
Machine Learning is Probably Not a Good Career for You
You Can't Run from SQL
The Salary Range for a Data Analyst in the US
3 Steps to Your First Data Analyst Job
ChatGPT Will Not Replace Data Analysts
The SnowFlake Data Engineer Versus the Developer
The Data Analyst Job in the Real-World
The Exact Skills and Certifications for an Entry Level Machine Learning Engineer
Learning SQL is Deeper than you Think
Questions from the Comments Sections
Companies Shoulder the Blame for the Collapse of Data Science
The Future of Data Engineering
The Core Niches in Machine Learning
Data Science is Dead: Not Machine Learning
A Complete Introduction to XGBoost for Machine Learning Engineers
The Decision Tree in XGBoost
To Be or Not to Be... a DBA that is.
Why I Hate the Title Data Scientist
Zillow Fires Data Scientists
How You Can Become a Data Analyst in One Year
The Future of Machine Learning
The EXACT Path to a Job as a Machine Learning Engineer