2 тысяч подписчиков
81 видео
GitHub Copilot Review | Good or Evil? | Code Review
1000 subscribers. Wow!
My Developer Workflow that will make you a 10X SOFTWARE ENGINEER
Why I will always be a JUNIOR developer
How to communicate better on a software team (as a software developer)
What is the difference between a Software Engineer and a Software Developer
Personally is almost done - the FREE Personal Finance Tracking App
This is what really VALIDATES you as a software engineer
How to demo your software work
KEEP solving the LITTLE problems | JUNIOR Dev Mindset
Coming back from burnout
At the heart of ever software developer is...
My software engineer journey in 2023 sucked...
How I Took My Salesforce App From Idea To Market In 2 Months
Another BURNOUT Software Engineer video...but BETTER
My software engineer journey in 2022
The issue with estimating bug fixes
Let's set the record straight: Software Developer vs Software Engineer
Developing in Salesforce Apex
Valid Sudoku - Part 1 | Leetcode | Data Structures and Algorithms
Hitting The WALL during Progress | Salesforce App for Real Estate Investing
Down for Maintenance | Self-Care | Computer Maintenance, Hair Care, Meditating
How to keep up with learning as a software developer
The FREE Salesforce Budget App called Personally
Shuffle String | Leetcode | Data Structures and Algorithms
I failed my Google Interview...But here is what I learned
Why you should get Certifications as a Software Engineer
Save the Ocean | Code Change |
Top 5 Certifications for Software Engineers in 2020
When Google is life
My $1 Million Dollar App | Salesforce Real Estate Investing App
Inspiring software developers need to listen to his story | Dev Stories