3 тысяч подписчиков
136 видео
L:39 Pointers in C | Introduction | Arithmetic Operations on Pointers| PPS | JNTUH
L:05 Comments in python | Comment statement | JNTUH | python programming
Stack | Stack Implementation using Array | Program Explain | Data Structures | Algorithms
L:48 Parameter Passing in function | call by value | call by reference | PPS |JNTUH|Programming in C
L:11 Syntax and Logical Errors in compilation in C| what is an error? | What is syntax? PPS | JNTUH
L:18 Expression Evaluation | Types of Expression Evaluation | PPS | JNTUH | Programming in C
L:47 Function Categories | Based on Arguments and Return type | PPS | JNTUH | Programming in C
L:49 Passing array to function | PPS | JNTUH | Programming in C
L03: Print function in python | Print function to display output | JNTUH | Python Programming
MongoDB Installation | MongoDB Community Server | Compass | NoSQL
Binary Search | Data Structures | Algorithms | Design and Analysis of Algorithms | DAA | Sorting |
L:50 Recursion | Recursive Function in C | PPS | JNTUH | Programming in C
Quick Sort | Data Structures | Algorithms | Design and Analysis of Algorithms | DAA | Sorting |
L:43 Enumeration data type | PPS | Programming in C | JNTUH |
Divide and Conquer | Algorithms | General method | Complexity | Masters Theorem | DAA
Merge Sort | Data Structures | Algorithms | Design and Analysis of Algorithms | DAA | Sorting |
L02: Execution of Python code | Ways to execute python program | Python Programming | JNTUH
L:40 Pointers to Arrays in C | PPS | JNTUH
L:46 Function in C | Introduction to function | PPS | JNTUH | Programming in C
L01: Introduction to Python | Python basics | JNTUH | Python Programming
L:42 Pointers in Self-referential Structures | PPS | Programming in C
L:06 Keywords, Identifiers & Variables in python | JNTUH | Python Programming
L:45 Files in C | File Operations, Functions & Modes | Random File Access | PPS | Programming in C
L:44 Preprocessor in C | C Preprocessing | PPS | Programming in C | Anna university
Python | Calculate Execution Time using time() Function
L:01 Introduction to Finite Automata in compiler design (Lexical Analysis) | Compiler Design
L:22 Applications of Syntax Directed Translation | Compiler Design
L:20 Syntax Directed Definition | Compiler Design
L:24 Variants of Syntax Tree (Intermediate Code Generation) | Compiler Design
Singly Linked List | Insertion Operation | Java Program | Data Structures | Algorithms | Linear DS
Minimum Spanning Tree | Graph Data Structures | DAA | Algorithms |
Infix to Postfix Expression Conversion | Applications of Stack | Java Program | Problem Solving
Heap - Min heap construction
AVL tree Insertion Example
Evolution of Microsoft Windows | Windows 12 | Operating System | Microsoft Windows
Infix to Prefix Expression Conversion | Stack Application | Problem Solving
AVL tree
Infix to Postfix Expression Conversion | Java Program explanation | Problem Solving
Infix to Prefix Expression Conversion Example | Problem Solving
Strassen's Matrix Multiplication | Algorithm | Time Complexity | Divide and Conquer |Easy Learn| DAA
L:23 Syntax Directed Translation Schemes | Compiler Design
Red Black Tree Insertion
Singly Linked List | Operations | Java Program | Operations on Singly Linked List | Insert | Delete
Kruskal's Algorithm | Minimum Spanning Tree | Graph Data Structures | DAA | Algorithms |
Red Black Tree Deletion
Time Complexity of Sorting Algorithms | Merge Sort | Insertion | Bubble | Quick | Data Structures
Merge Sort in 2 Minutes | Sorting Algorithm | Data Structures | Quick Learn
L:19 Storage Classes in C | Auto | Extern | Static | Register | PPS | JNTUH | Programming in C
Evolution of Android | All Versions of Android | Android version history | Android 15
L:20 Type Conversion |Implicit and Explicit Conversion| Type Casting | PPS |JNTUH | Programming in C