298 тысяч подписчиков
9 тысяч видео
Ex: Find the Sample Size and Percent of Sample From a Bar Graph
Ex: Write a Linear Equation From Point Slope Form to Slope Intercept Form
Ex 2: The Difference Quotient (Quadratic Function)
Ex 3: Simplify Exponential Expressions - Positive Exponents Only
Animation: Types of Angles
Ex: Find Parametric Equations of a Tangent Line to a Space Curve
Ex 3: Solve a Compound Inequality Involving AND (Intersection)
Compound Inequalities including Special Cases
Ex 1: Determine Equivalent Fractions to a Given Fraction
Ex: Find the Area of a Trapezoid
Converting Polar Equations to Rectangular Equations
Ex: Profit Function Application - Maximize Profit
Use LHopitals Rule to Determine a Limit: (ln x)^2/(ax^2)
Categorical Displays: Bar Graph, Pareto Chart, Pie Chart, and Pictogram
Using the TI-84 to Convert Degrees, Minutes, and Seconds to Degrees and Radians
Ex: Find a Derivative of a Function Involving Radicals Using the Power Rule (Rational Exponents)
Ex: Exponential Application Solved Using a Graphing Calculator
Find a Derivative Using The Limit Definition (Cubic)
Implicit Differentiation: Equation of Tangent Line xy+cos(xy)-4x=-7
Ex 2: Determine the Curl of a Vector Field (2D)
Implicit Differentiation: tan(x-y)+y/(5+2x^2)
Example 2: Solve a Percent Problem Using a Percent Proportion
Ex: Average Rate of Change Application Using a Table - Weight Gain
Annuity Formula and Loan Formula: Solving for Time
(8.3.2) Application of Nonlinear Systems of ODEs: Predator-Prey Model (Lotka-Volterra System)
Scheduling: The List Processing Algorithm Part 2
Ex 1: Graph a Quadratic Inequality on the Coordinate Plane
Find a Percentile of a Given Data Set (Average Method)
Conic Sections: The Hyperbola part 1 of 2
Lagrange Multipiers: Find the Max and Min of a Function of Two Variables
Ex: Factor Trinomials When A equals 1
Ex: Find a Quadratic Function Given the Intercepts of the Graph
Find Angles Given the Reference Angle and Trig Function Value Sign (68)
Find Smallest Positive Angles Given Sign of Secant and Reference Angle
Find Smallest Positive Angles Given Sign of Cotangent and Reference Angle
Find Angles Given the Reference Angle and Trig Function Value Sign (45)
Ex 1: Finding Terms in a Sequence Given the Sequence Formula
Find Six Trig Function Values Using Reference Triangles - Mult. of pi/6
Ex: Numerical Integration - The Trapezoid Rule
Ex 2: Set Problem Solving - Find the Number of Element in the Union of Two Sets Using a Formula
Quadratic Equation App: Find The Time of Max Height, Max Height, and Landing Time of a Rocket
Multiplication Flashcards 3-12
Direct Proof: If a|b and b|c, then a|c
Converting Scientific Notation to Decimal Notation
Indefinite Integration Using Substitution: Int(3/(2+e^(-3x)),x)
Estimate the Correlation Coefficient Given a Scatter Plot
Square Root App: Find the Side Length of a Square Given the Area
Determine the Possible Minimum and Maximum from a Histogram
Find a Sum of a Geometric Sequence Using Multiply, Shift, and Subtract Method (1)
Ex: Limits at Infinity of a Rational Function (DNE)
Solve a rational Inequality Given Using Function Notation: (x-a)/(x-b) Less Than or Equal to 0