29 тысяч подписчиков
578 видео
Charlas - Monica Limachi: Proyecto Centinela: Seguridad en el hogar usando Raspberry Pi y Tensorflow
Talk - Jason Fried: If an asyncio Task fails in the woods and nobody is around to see it, does i....
Talk - Jan-Hein Bührman: When to refactor your code into generators and how
TALK / Graham Bleaney, the_storm/ Unexpected Execution: Wild Ways Code Execution can Occur in Python
Sponsor Presentation - Johannes Messner: Modern, typed Python for (multimodal) ML
PyCon US 2024 - A Message from Mariatta
Talk: Pratyush Das - Python in High Energy Physics
Tutorial: Allison Parrish - Nonsense verse with Python and machine learning
Charlas - Marina Moro López: Biohacking con Python: cómo convertirse en el señor Burns fluorescente
Keynote Speaker - Ned Batchelder
Talk - Bruce Eckel: Making Data Classes Work for You
Talk: Calvin Hendryx-Parker - Finite State Machine (FSM) in Django
Talk: Takanori Suzuki - Automate the Boring Stuff with Slackbot
TALK / Thomas Jewitt / An Introduction to FastAPI
Keynote - Peter Wang
Sponsor Presentation - Flagging in the Backend: Shipping APIs with Flask and LaunchDarkly
Sponsor Presentation - Jason Davenport: Developing on Google Cloud with Python and DataFrames
Talks - Christopher Ariza: Building NumPy Arrays from CSV Files, Faster than Pandas
Tutorials - Ron Nathaniel: How To Troubleshoot and Monitor Applications using OpenTelemetry
Talk - Reuven M. Lerner: Understanding attributes (Or: Theyre not nearly as boring as you think!)
Tutorials - Jules Kouatchou, Bruce Van Aartsen: Python Workflows to Extract and Plot Satellite...
PyCon US 2024 Closing
Lightning Talks - May 18, 8am
Lightning Talks - May 17, 6pm
Tutorials - Rodrigo Girão Serrão: The Pokémon trainers guide to pandas and matplotlib
Sponsor Presentations - Avoid the top 5 web data pitfalls when developing AI models (Bright Data)
Tutorials - Pavithra, Andrew, Dharhas: From RAGs to riches: Build an AI document inquiry web-app
Python Software Foundation - Meet our Security Engineers
Sponsor Presentations - Build an Intelligent Python App, No Infra Hassles! (Sponsor: Microsoft)
Lightning Talks - May 19, 8pm
Talk - Brandt Bucher: A Perfect Match The history, design, implementation, and future of Pythons...
Talk: Eric J. Ma - A careful walk through probability distributions, using Python
Talk - Joseph Lucas: Serialization More than pickling
Tutorials - Aya Elsayed, Rhythm Patel: No More Raw SQL: SQLAlchemy, ORMs & asyncio
Sponsor Presentations - State of Python Supply Chain Security (Sponsor: Alpha-Omega)
Talks - Victor Stinner: Introducing incompatible changes in Python
SUMMIT / Trainers
Welcome to PyCon US 2024
Keynote Speaker - Simon Willison
Talks - Arun Suresh Kumar: Sync vs. Async in Python: Tools, Benchmarks, and ASGI/WSGI Explained
Meet our Keynote Speakers: Simon Willison
Tutorial: Katie McLaughlin - Deploying Django on Serverless Infrastructure
Talk: Javier Jorge Cano - “Sorry, Could you repeat that again?” - Speech Recognition with Python
Talks - Bianca Henderson: Plug life into your codebase: Making established Python codebase pluggable
Tutorial: Matt Harrison - Hands-on Python for Programmers
Talks - Kelsey Vavasour Weaving algorithms: the threads that bind the python and textile communities
TUTORIAL / Trey Hunner / Hands-On Regular Expressions in Python
TALK / Paul Everitt / Static Sites with Sphinx and Markdown
Talk - Zachary Sarah Corleissen: Localize your open source documentation: a Kubernetes case study
Talk: James Bennett - A 🐍s guide to Unicode
TALK / Dino Viehland / Python Performance at Scale - Making Python Faster at Instagram